Part 63 - "Do you Trust me?"

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At Kaiden's house After The Plane Ride

Aniyah finished unpacking in her room and Kaiden walked in and knocked on the door and leaned up against the door frame, Aniyah turned around to him and said "Hi.."

Kaiden took a deep breath and said "Are we okay?"

Aniyah looked down at her hands and then back at him and Kaiden walked over to her and sat down and on the bed and said "You know I regret it deeply.. Right?"

Aniyah nodded her head and said "I want to believe you won't.. but something is telling me your going to do it again.. for a fifth time."

Kaiden grabbed Aniyahs waist and pulled her close and rested his head on her stomach and said "I love you.. I won't Aniyah."

Aniyah ran her fingers through his hair and Kaiden looked up at her and he said "Aniyah.. I love you.."

Aniyah looked into his eyes and she said "I love you too"

Kaiden took a deep breath and said "I understand I've hurt you.. many times now.. but baby please understand it won't happen again.."

Aniyah said "Kaiden it's not the pain I'm worried about.. It's the wanting to leave me.. that's what I'm worried about.. All relationships come with pain and fights.. I just want you to promise me, that you will fight for this relationship.. because I don't want to lose you."

Kaiden looked up into Aniyah's eyes and said "I promise you, on my life, on everyones life.. the whole planet itself.. that I will never, ever.. ask for you to leave, or for me to leave.. I promise."

Aniyah took a deep breath and said "You hurt me so bad.."

Kaiden pulled her down on the bed and layed down on her and said "I'm so sorry sunshine."

Aniyah giggled and Kaiden looked up at her and smiled and said "You and Me."

Aniyah smiled at him and said "You and Me."

Kaiden and Aniyah layed down together underneath the covers and Kaiden rested his body lightly on her and Aniyah wrapped her arms around him and laughed and Kaiden whispered "You're my little snuggly bear."

Aniyah and Kaiden laughed in sync and Aniyah ran her fingers through his hair and Kaiden smiled and whispered "You're my world.. my whole universe.. Never forget that."

Aniyah smiled and nodded her head and Kaiden kissed her chin and Aniyah laughed and Kaiden layed down next to her and wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and pulled her close and Aniyah pressed her back to Kaiden's chest and he held her close to him and didn't let her go once.

After 30 minutes Aniyah looked at him and Kaiden looked up into her eyes and she smiled and Kaiden said "God. You're so beautiful."

Aniyah laughed and said "Thank you Kaiden."

Kaiden smiled and said "How are you feeling?"

Aniyah said "I'm.. good, Guess I'm just not used to being alone with you."

Kaiden said "Right.. I feel the same way, I don't feel uncomfortable.. I just, I wanna stare at your beauty."

Aniyah laughed and said "Me too."

Kaiden smirked and said "You wanna stare at your beauty?"

Aniyah laughed and said "Duh."

Kaiden and Aniyah laughed in sync and Aniyah ran her fingers through his hair and said "Ashley reminds me alot of Aria.. We're you two close as kids?"

Kaiden said "Blake, Ashley and I We're actually very close.. but when our mom died.. We kind of.. split apart I guess.. We all moved away, and we stayed in touch, but it wasn't the same."

Aniyah nodded her head and said "How did Blake get in the coma?"

Kaiden said "Well.. In all honesty, we don't know.. He came to vist in town, and Ashley was here too.. and we all went to the beach, and when we We're there, he just.. fell.. and the doctors said he needed to be in a medical induced coma.. and he'll wake up when he's ready."

Aniyah continued running her fingers through his hair and she said "I'm sorry baby.. was it scary?"

Kaiden said "Very.. Ashley and I were in the water and Blake just.. fell.. and me and Ashley laughed thinking he tripped, until he wasn't getting up, so we both ran out of the water and to him.. and It was just.. terrifying, he was awake, he just couldn't move.. like he was paralyzed."

Aniyah said "Is he paralyzed?"

Kaiden said "The doctors don't think so.. but they won't fully know until he wakes up."

Aniyah kissed his forehead and said "I bet he'll be okay.. And you three can become close again."

Kaiden smiled and said "I love talking to you."

Aniyah smiled and said "I'd hope so."

Kaiden laughed and he tightened his grip on her and layed his head on her chest and he whispered "Hey baby?"

Aniyah smiled and said "hmm?"

Kaiden took a deep breath and looked up at her and said "Do You trust me?"

Aniyah said "I do. I believe you won't intentionally hurt me.. and I understand where your coming from.. I'm sorry for how I acted on the plane.. I shouldn't have gone that far.. and I wanna thank you, for allowing me to talk.. even though I really didn't give you a choice."

Kaiden laughed and he kissed her nose and said "Babygirl you can scream at me all you want.. Just get everything out."

Aniyah said "I don't want to scream at you though.. Your acting with your heart and mind.. You don't wanna get me hurt, I respect that.. alot.. I believe you, I do.. I just.. I don't want to lose you."

Kaiden looked into her eyes and said "You'll never lose me babygirl.. Even if we break up, I promise.. I will always, always be a call away."

Aniyah smiled and said "Are you scared?"

Kaiden said "About what?"

Aniyah said "Becoming leader.."

Kaiden said "Ive been trained to do this my whole life Aniyah.. but I wasn't trained to have someone by myside.. Not the whole leading thing is scary.. just.. worrying about you, is scary."

Aniyah said "I can have a bodyguard, I can train with you, I can be around Justin more.. Whatever is easier and helps you calm down. As long as I get to see you more than 19 hours a day."

Kaiden laughed and said "You are so amazing.. I'm so thankful I met you.."

Aniyah blushed bright and said "Me too baby.. I feel so alive with you."

Kaiden pecked her on the lips and he said "Is it weird how I slept most the plane ride but I'm still tired?"

Aniyah laughed and said "Nope. I feel the same way.. Wanna take a nap?"

Kaiden said "I thought you'd never ask."

Aniyah laughed and they snuggled up together and Kaiden wrapped his arms around her tightly and held her close and Aniyah buried her face into his chest and they both closed their eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

End of Part Sixty-Three

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