Part 85 - Lifeline

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A few Hours Later 7:04 P.M

Aniyah was upstairs in her room watching videos and Kaiden walked in and said "You still wanna drive fast babygirl?"

Aniyah looked at him and she nodded her head excitedly and she set her phone down and got up and walked over to him. Kaiden smiled and they walked downstairs together and outside.

Kaiden said "Which car?"

Aniyah looked at him and said "Yours."

Kaiden smiled and nodded his head and handed her the keys and she smiled and walked over and unlocked it and they both got in.

Aniyah started the car and she felt the steering wheel and Kaiden looked at her and she took a deep breath and reversed out and started driving to a empty street her mom used to take her too.

Aniyah stopped at the beginning of the road and she looked down and it was just two miles straight, without any bumps or anything. Aniyah looked at Kaiden and he smiled and said "Take your time."

Aniyah nodded her head and she looked at the road, she closed her eyes, counted to five, and then opened her eyes and drove fast. The gravity pulled Kaiden back into his seat and he looked at Aniyah and she was smiling and driving.

Aniyah kept going and after a few seconds she was already going 124. Aniyah smiled bright and she slowed down and then she fully stopped and she was breathing heavily and Kaiden looked at her and said "You feel okay?"

Aniyah got out of the car and she gripped her hair breathing heavily and she started getting flashbacks of their car flipped, her mom dead. She turned around to Kaiden and he said "You okay?"

Aniyah gripped her hair and nodded her head and said "Got a flashback."

Kaiden said "Wanna go?"

Aniyah said "Where?"

Kaiden said "The park.."

Aniyah nodded her head with a smile and Kaiden opened the passenger door for her and she smiled and got in and Kaiden got into the drivers seat and started driving to the park.

After a few minutes Kaiden parked and they walked over to the fountain and Kaiden said "I remember when you came here and yelled at me."

Aniyah looked up at him and said "Really?"

Kaiden looked down at her and said "I remember everything you say babygirl."

Aniyah smiled and said "I have a bad memory so don't count on me."

Kaiden laughed and wrapped his arm around her and Aniyah layed her head on his shoulder and she looked to her left and she saw a ice cream truck, she smiled and looked at Kaiden and said "I'll go get some!"

Kaiden looked at the truck and smiled and nodded his head, he handed her 20$ and Aniyah said "I'll pay."

Kaiden said "No."

Aniyah raised an eyebrow and Kaiden said "Aniyah."

Aniyah groaned and grabbed it and she walked over and Kaiden smiled bright and looked at the fountain, he looked through the water and he saw someone standing their staring at him, they waved and Kaiden slowly started walking to the other side.

He saw a man staring at him and Kaiden said "Do I know you?"

The man said "Never shoot the messenger."

Kaiden laughed and said "Okay kid, this isn't-" The guy pulled a gun out and shot Kaiden in the right side of this chest. Kaiden grabbed his chest in pain and dropped to his knees.

Aniyah turned around and people we're running past her and she didn't see Kaiden, she heard screaming and saw hundreds of people running away, Aniyah said "Kaiden!!?"

Aniyah say a man standing still, staring down and Aniyah ran over and she saw Kaiden holding his chest and Aniyah said "Kaiden!?"

The man looked at Aniyah and then sprinted away, Aniyah ran to Kaiden's side and said "I got you. Come on."

Kaiden got up and Aniyah helped him and she practically started dragging him to the car and Kaiden fell down and Aniyah felt down with him. Aniyah moved her hair to the side and said "You stay with me!!"

Aniyah grabbed the car keys and she sprinted to the car, got in the drivers seat and she drove onto the grass and through flowers and she parked next to Kaiden and got out and she opened the back seat and lifted him in. Aniyah struggled deeply and she finally got him and closed the door and she ran to the drivers seat and got in and started driving fast.

She looked back at Kaiden and he was slowly breathing, Aniyah said "Kaiden! Tell me your fear."

Kaiden said "losing.. you.. blake.. justin.."

Aniyah said "Don't leave me. Okay? Stay awake. Talk about anything."

Kaiden said "I love you."

Aniyah said "Don't say it like your saying goodbye!!"

Aniyah got to the hospital and she ran inside and she screamed "Help me!! Please!!"

Many nurses with a gurney ran over and Aniyah opened the backdoor and she helped them get Kaiden on and they wheeled him back.

Aniyah grabbed his hand and said "Stay with me."

Kaiden layed his head down and they made Aniyah stay back as they went through double doors and Aniyah started crying hysterically. She took a deep breath and she walked over to the waiting room and it was absolutely packed.

They all looked at her shirt and she looked down and blood was on it, Aniyah started pacing back and forth and Aniyah grabbed out her phone and she called Justin, Justin answered instantly and said "Hellooo."

Aniyah said "Jus-tin!"

Justin said "Why're you crying.."

Aniyah said "Kaiden's been shot! We're at memorial hospital.. I don't know, he was bleeding bad.."

Justin said "We're on our way!" And hung up.

Aniyah continued pacing back and forth and after 20 minutes Justin, Kale, Jax, Camila, and Mason ran through and Aniyah took a deep breath and Camila pulled her into a tight hug. Aniyah just started sobbing uncontrollably into her and Camila said "What happend?"

Aniyah said "We were at the park.. and.. I heard a gunshot, I turned around to everyone screaming and running and I saw one guy standing completely still, so I went over to him and I saw Kaiden on his knees holding his chest bleeding.."

Camila said "Did you see the guy?"

Aniyah took a step back and she said "I don't know him.. but I've seen him before.."

Camila said "Where?"

Aniyah looked up at her and said "Drakes Mansion."

End of Part Eighty-Five

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