Just a dream

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Open my eyes
It was only just a dream

Everything hurt. I am in more pain then I can find words to explain. I can hear Seb's voice telling me to hold on. I don't know what's happening.

I remember yelling at Seb for looking at my journal. Then I fell.

I hurt so bad. My chest feels like it's caving in on itself. Each of my ribs impelling my lungs, then my heart.

I felt like someone was tearing me apart from the inside. It hurt so bad and I just wanted someone to make it stop.
My eyes open, but not to reveal anything I recognize from home. I stand on the top of a black lake, one where you look down and it looks like there's nothingness that spans forever. The sky is a perfect blue you see in paintings with a couple white puffy clouds. The space looked like it could span forever.

I'm in a Mindspace.

It's a place that is between consciousness and unconsciousness. It can also connect two people. I've never been in, or seen, one of these. I've read hundreds of writings about them though.

I turn and come face to face with a beautiful boy. His dirty blonde hair is all over the place, one large mess on top of his head. He has striking features, high cheekbones, sharp jawline. His blue eyes are piercing, like blades of stone cold ice.

His body is covered in rippling muscles, not too much, but just enough. There are scars covering his torso, old once that have faded out slightly and new ones. A very new looking set of stitches close a wound on his right shoulder.

The only clothing he wears are a pair of sweatpants that hang lowly on his hips, exposing his defined chest, abs, and V-line.

I think I may be drooling.

"Are you done staring?" His voice is deep with some kind of thick accent to it. He stands with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised at me. I gulp as my mind tries to keep up with everything happening.

"Yes." I say confidently.

"Who are you?" He asks, coming to stand closer, all the while studying me.

"It's only polite to give that information first." I repeat the words my mother drilled into me.

"Death." He says simply. He gives me his hand to shake with a bored look. I stare at him shocked and take his hand, the pain I'm feeling lightening up a little. Everything clicks then.

"You're prettier then I thought you'd be." I say honestly, staring into his blue eyes. He studies me again and rips my hood from my head. I don't flinch when he runs his fingers over my bruised face and neck.

"Why is such a beautiful boy like you carrying such disgusting bruises?" He asks me with that accent. I'm falling in love with it.

"My father beats me." I say bluntly. My hand reaches up to hold his. It's also softer then I thought it would be. "What's your real name?" I ask him. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Isn't it only polite to give that information first?" He asks in a teasing tone. I glare at him.

"Don't use my words against me." I state and he smirks at me. "It's Kory." I say simply. That smirk of his takes my breath away.

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