All you need is love

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Dear Diary,

This is so scary. I have a million thoughts but I can’t seem to find the words to say them or in this case write them…

When you meet someone at a young age you know that it’s for experience before getting into more serious relationships. The problem with me is I am always finding a crush on someone but when they reciprocate the same feelings my liking for them shrinks. I start looking at their flaws and wonder why I even liked them in the first place. I can’t keep doing this. To myself, to the guys I have always “Friend zoned” when getting closer to a relationship. If I do i’ll end up a 30yr old virgin with 60 cats that I won’t even be able to feed because I will probably have a shit (TERRIBLE) job.

No don’t think like that… I can’t keeping looking at the negatives. It’s so scary the thought of being so close to someone, the commitment. What am I going to do? I was asked out by to guys in the last two days, not to brag or anything but it was so nice knowing that people wanted me. That sounds pathetic I know! Anyway. I went out with one of them the other day and he was so nice and it went really well. We didn’t end up BF and GF, it was just casual. I had to plop him right into the friend zone. Good job! Let’s give one big round of applause to Ms. Lily fry as she has just ruined her chance of companionship! God why? He was so nice! And he wants to catch up again! The worst part is that the other guy is my sisters age and well he was nice at first but I don’t like the idea of going out with someone who could be dating my sister. Since he’s two years older he’s probably going to be expecting things and I don’t want that pressure. No one at this age wants to be pressured into something they don’t want to do… Saying no may seem easy but when you are in the moment it’s kind of hard.

Diary, this is a toughy. If only I could see how my life was going to end up. Read it like a book. But I can’t so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Love the stuck Lily Fry.


Dear Diary,

I had my date with Collin today.

It was strange, I could literally be his younger sister yet there I was sitting opposite him in a small cafe up at Knox. He made me laugh and I didn’t feel so scared anymore. His smile was convincing, so comforting. I started to wonder why I was so scared in the first place. All we did was talk and drink our hot chocolates. He paid for me and we took off for a small walk which ended in talking for hours on end. 

I really like him and it seems he really likes me as he has asked me out again but as his girlfriend!

Oh diary I must say… BEST DAY EVER!

Love the joyous Lily Fry.


Dear Diary,

I’ve been with Collin for nearly a month. Things have been amazing! We talk all the time and he has introduced me to his family who are truly sweet people, I even know all his best mates. Although Collin has seemed to be a little on edge lately. I asked him if he was ok but he would just either ignore me or change the topic. Maybe he’s just had a bad couple of days?

Love the concerned Lily Fry.

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