Chapter One: The Transfer

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"So annoying. Everything and everyone. I've never gotten a say in anything. Always being observed and being told what to do and what not to do", Levi grunts to himself while being in the plain heading to Tokyo.
"You were always such bothered son who doesn't know how to take advantage of what's right in front of you, stop complaining...nothing about what you will say will change my decision," Levi's Father , Mr.Ackerman said.
"Like if you would ever understand", Levi whispers under his breath.
As the plane lands in Tokyo , Mr.Ackerman gets up and approaches his wife, Mrs.Ackerman, to the exit of the plain.
As Levi rushes to get his luggage and exits the plain in a quick way.
"How did it come to this," Levi sighs as he leans on his bed after a stressful day.

"ERENERENERENEREN!!", Armin as he hops up and down besides Eren's desk. " GOSH WHAT WHAT WHAaAt?!",Eren sighs. "I heard this new transfer student is coming to this class and supposedly he's this really rich and good looking guy,ah , we really need to step up our game if we wanna really get a chance at these cute girls and now we're gonna have less of chance when this new douch comes, so annoying," Armin grunts.
"As if you ever even had a chance in the start Armin haha that ego of yours", Eren laughs.
"SETTLE DOWN CHILDREN CLASS HAS BEGUN!, Today we have a new transfer student as you all have heard ...PLEASE come in and introduce yourself young man," The teacher announced .
*the class suddenly starts whispering*
Levi enters the classroom and gloom's over to stand in the middle of the class. "Hello , I am Levi Ackerman, I have just transferred here from America ,so please excuse my bad grammar, I was not taught Japanese frequently as I was growing up...please take care of me" ,Levi bows.
"WOAH he's very attractive", "no way he doesn't now japanese as much?!", "TOTALLY EXPECTED HES JUST FINE AND ELEGANT", the class murmurs
Armin whispers to Eren, "There goes my chances with Jess AGH why this guy!?!" ,Eren glances to look at Levi, "He is kind of cute in way if im being honest ,what am i thinking, ridicules... "-

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