Welcome To My Life

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Chapter 1

The sunpeeled through the windows. My room grew warm. The curtains were pulled to the side and the rays of sun poured onto my bed. My eyes pulled themselves open, I turned over and stared at the clock. 

9:45. Shoot! I shot up! My head pounded, my vision blurry, my eyes sagging and my mouth tasted like clumpy coal mixed with last nights pasta. I pulled my sheets down to my waist and look around my room.

2 open suitcases and a duffle bag, in addition to the 10 boxes i packed that needed to be shipped. I graded my iPhone off my night stand. 2 alerts:

9:00am Get up! A new day!

9:00am Today is a big day!

I forgot. Today is a big day, for me anyway. Me, Megan Stone Im famous. I was just named 3rd sexiest teen actress in Teen Vogue and number 1 teen actress on the rise in Rockstar! Ive been acting since I was 11. when i turned 9 i wanted to be an actress. We lived back in Ohio then, in a small town where nothing happened at all. My mom enrolled me in acting classes and I did 2 plays, one as the lead. When I turned 11 I saw an ad for Pilot Season in LA, I begged my mom, I pleaded and cried. Finally she caved and we went. I auditioned for a show called “So Unordinary”, about a family and the parents have superpowers but the kids are normal.After auditions I waited a few fews then they called and told me and mom to come to LA where they told me i got the part. I played the daughter. The show ended 6 months ago. I loved the show, id been on it for about 5 years and my cast was the best, I will miss them terribly. While doing the show i also did 2 kid movies and a small lead in an adult one. 3 months ago i auditioned for Holla Jenkins newest production Summer Sweetness, Its about a girl who is getting out of school and is getting a job at a cupcake house but the school jock and her crush is working next door and they are so opposite they fall in love. 

So tomorrow Im flying to England to start shooting for the next few months. Me, my mom and my older sister Margaret. My mom got a new job as an assistant director but it doesn't start until September. She hasn't really worked since I started acting. I basically supported our family. My sister Margaret is about 4 years older than I am and in september she starts college in England. Thats the main reason she's going. Ill be celebrating my 17th birthday in London, away from my family, my besties and worst my boyfriend. Mark Samuels. Mark is an actor too, we met when he played my crush on “So Unordinary”. We started dating last month and we were named Hollywoods Cutest Couple, ‘Margen’. Even though i hate when the press buds in, that name us pretty cute. My besties, Jane Anderson, she's a singer, she just finished her 2nd album and in early July she's going on her cross- country tour. It late June. My other best friend Leslie Wright, she's just a bis of star as I am. Leslie got her big lead because Holla Jenkins is her mom. Even though her mom is a famous producer she never puts Leslie in any of her movies because it would be unfair. Like my dad, he's a director and only put e in one of his movies but as a small role. Even though i hate my dad. He left the family for us to have no place to live and went to follow his so-called dream and made our family a mess. I hate having to visit him and even be in the same room as him. But i have to deal with it. Leslie just finished shooting her newest movie ‘Bankrupt Ranking’, last month and tonight is the premiere party. I have so much to do before I leave tomorrow. I got out of bed. Still in my shorts and tank top. The warm LA weather all around. My long mid-back length black  hair was frizzy and my skin extra tanned. I ran down the wrap staircase and into the kitchen. My mom was dressed and drinking coffee. When she saw me come in still in my pajamas and with bed head she almost spit her coffee out. Why did she always overact to things like this? 

“Megan! Why aren't you dressed! We have to be at the interview for Teen Weekly by 10:30, then I need to run errands before we leave tomorrow!”

“Chill, Ill go get ready and Leslie's party is tonight, Im meeting her and jane at 3 to go shopping,”

“But- fine just be home by 6, we have a checklist to go over and I want you home from this party no later than 2 alright.”


“Now go hurry and get ready.”

My mom is so crazy when she's rushing. You cant say anything to her, she zones out and just goes crazy about whatever she's rushing about. I went back in my room. I opened my closet which is usually full of designer clothes and accessories, but is now less than half full due to all my packing. When your famous you get a lot of free things. I find a outfit, a white cashmere halter sweater, dark wash hudson jeans and white flats. I quickly showered and then put on sunblock. My cell rang. 

I picked it up, Leslie. “Heyy,” I say answering 

“Hey, so were still on at 3 Macs Boutique in Nevada,”Nevada? What? 

“Um Les, thats a 2 hour drive Id have to leave now.” 

“Megs were picking you up at 1, hello get with the program.”

“I cant Leslie I have an interview and my mom-” 

“OhMiGod Megan! Im getting tired of you excuses!”What? 

“Look I just cant-” 

“Whatever, fine well meet at Fred Segals at 3 happy?” 

“Now your mad,”I sigh 

“Kind of, I really wanted to go to Macs, plus Mike was going to meet us their, he got off early for me Megs,” I sigh 

“When did this become a Nawt girls day out, I wont see you guys till like October, Ill be in London until September and Jane wont be back until early October,”

“Fine, only because I love you guys,” We both laugh. 

“Ok so Fred's 3?” I say 

“Of course, bye bye,”

“Kay bye.” Phewww! She can be so controlling, I guess its how she's always been and it can be annoying. I finished getting ready and met my mom downstairs. This was just the beginning...

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