This is better... for who?

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Chapter 13

Its better this way. As the days pass, I realize that Im glad he knows about Mark. Its actually a relief. There are a few things worst than having feelings for someone you shouldn't, and I don't like where my thoughts were headed, and I certainly don't want to be another Kaitlyn. Chase is just friendly, right? Everyone loves him, he's smart and funny and sweet and yes ridiculously attractive. Although, for being so nice he only hangs with our little group and as Crissa explained it thats who he always hung with. Since our day out, he's sat next to me everyday on set. He teases me about me feeling so normal, asks about my interest and helps me run through lines. And he defends me, like a few days ago on set Kaitlyn mumbled a nasty remark and shot me mean glares and Chase told her to ‘shove it’ and ignored her for the rest of the day.

 Most nights I sit in my room and study lines. Mark calls me nightly and we talk for about a hour. We talk about our days and what the next might bring. I tell him about Chase, even though I tell him he's cool I don't mention I practically like him or how we've been out more than twice. He's taken me to a English restaurant and we've went inside the Chase Chronicle Church together. Its just as beautiful and Ive come to fall in love with the church also. We've done things with everyone else too. Once we all went shopping in central London and to a movie. Kaitlyn still tries to bud in and Crissa is now like my best friend. I tell her about Mark and Chase but she hasn't had that many boyfriends so she doesn't know how to explain. Conner and Marni are still in Love but Conner will be Crissas boyfriend in the movie and that freaks her out she told me. Josh keeps to himself mostly but on set he's funny and witty and he doesn't really express himself. We've gotten far in the movie. We've shot about 4 scenes of the movie for the 8 days we've been on set.

Tomorrow is Independence Day back home and its weird not to hear about the fireworks, parades, and barbecues you usually see by now. The unusually cool weather is so un normal and i realize I packed all wrong. I knew it was cool but its 50 degrees! Also Im having fun in London. Ive talked to Jane maybe once or twice but I still haven't talked to Leslie. Im having fun with my new friends here and I can always fix things when I get home, if I even want thing to be fixed. As for me, I don't really feel famous here. I love being able to go out the house without getting trampled by cameras or press. I can dress like me and not wear pounds of make-up or care about looking glamourous 24/7. i mean yeah a lot Ive been asked to sign autographs but we all have been asked. Its not as annoying as it is back home and Chase was right it is a lot worst on set. The press basically live there but they aren't allowed in without clearance so its not that bad.

 I was sitting in my rom looking over my script. Crissa, Marni, Conner and Josh should be here any minute. Chase had to babysit his cousins for his aunt and Kaitlyn didn't want to come. We were going to do the scene when Macie (Crissas Character) and Joshs Character break up. Most of my scenes are with Chase so were doing the scene when me and Macie talk about her going out with Collen. Ive learned almost all my lines of the scene we've shot but one of my favorite scenes is when Alice and James get to know each other. Just then my door opened and Conner and Marni walked in holding hands.

“Hey Megs,”Marni said plopping on my couch.

“Sup,”Conner says.

“Hey guys so ready to rehearse, we hit set again tomorrow and we still have to go through 2 scenes that Holla assigned.”

“We cant do them without Chase and Kaitlyn,”Marni whined. “Chase said he'd study and I don't know about Kaitlyn.”

Conner laughed. Then Josh came in.

 He looked tired, he's been distant lately but we've just left it alone. His hair was messy and his clothes wrinkled. I know nothing about his life I thought. Or Connners, Marnis or Kaitlyns but then again they know nothing about mine. He said hey and sat on the edge of my bed. We broke out our scripts.

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