Acting Flop and Kaitlyn isn't a b!+<#?

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Chapter 14

“Look Alice, Im sorry but I cant,”James stated.

“But why, no just forget it,”Alice shot back.

“No lets not forget it, Im sick and tired of forgetting it Alice!”

“Your, I- um.”


I breathed out. “Sorry Holla!”I quip.

Chase smiled. “What! I messed up ok,”I pushed him playfully.

“No its not that, you just, when you get into character, never mind,”My insides warm.

“Alright people 15 minute break and then well go back outside and shoot the next scene.”Holla got up.

“Ohmygod Megan, when you messed up you practically turned into a ghost!”Marni exclaimed.

Her hair was in 2 pig tails, her character Sarah was very girly. I was walking with Crissa and Marni over to the snack table.


“Yeah it did, Chase was staring at you so hard it was like he was going to melt holes in your head, what a git,”Crissa said giggling.

“he wasn't!”I argue.

“Oh he was, we all saw it,”Marni added.

“Yeah and Kaitlyn looked like she wanted to pass out,”

“someone should tell that girl to get ova him, he has his eyes on new candy.”Marni and Crissa high-fived and laughed.

“Guys stop!”I bud in.

“I don't like Chase! I have a boyfriend! BOYFRIEND! ok so you guys can stop now.”I plead.

Crissa smiled, “Keep telling yourself that,”We keep walking.

“Uh I hate these!”Marni exclaimed pulling her pigtails.“I think it stretches my brain out!” We giggled and continued down the hall.

“Hey Crissa want to run lines with me real quick,”Josh asked blushing slightly.

Crissa smiled and followed him. Me and Marni started making kissy noises. Crissa blushed. 

“No!”she shouted.

Me and Marni burst out laughing. I grabbed some water from the table and took a sip.

“So whats the story with you two?”Marni asks as she bit into a donut, getting powder on her cheek.

“Who me and Crissa?”I asked confused.

“No, you and Chase”she said skeptical.

“There really isn't a story, we met the first day at the table read and just started to hang out,”I stated. 

She searched my face, “but you like him?”my face turns pale.

“Um, no, i mean I have a boyfriend so um, I-”she giggled.

“Alright, I get it,”I smiled.

“Hey Marn wanna wait outside?”Conner said coming into view.

She smiled and took his hand. They walked away. If only Mark were here.

“Hey Kaitlyn, wanna run lines?”I ask, She glared at me suspicious. “Why?”she tosses her brunette curls.

“Because were cast mates and we should try to get along,”I try being nice. She rolled her eyes.

“Fine, whatever, you seem to be having fun alone,”I say walking away. “Hey wait,”she sighed.

“Fine I guess we can go to my dressing room.”she walked down the set I followed her.

“So why do you hate me?”I ask.

She sighed, “Just because I liked Chase for so long and when we met last year I thought he liked me and then I got a boyfriend and I still liked him, so when you came I knew he liked you but I didn't want to believe it,”she looked at me.

“Well I have a boyfriend, and I,”she laughed.

“Don't explain, when I went out with mine I still liked Chase, but he really likes you.”I smile, Maybe Kaitlyn isn't that bad after all.

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