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Greetings fellow Narnians, demigods, timelords, hobbits and especially Marvel lovers: 

A few things you need to know:

- This book is a cross over with @cat_potter17 's book Heroes -- so any of you Peter Parker lovers out there should go check it out!! 

- Secondly, I'm running with the idea that Loki's equivalent human-age is around 18-19 (which explains angsty-sullen-stroppiness) which has been worked out by people much better at maths than me. Freja is about 16 in the first Avengers. (Also - I imagine her to look like Daria Sidochurk)

- Also. It may startle you all to hear, but alas! I am not the owner of the Marvel empire (if I was then, ahem, Infintity War would have been five hours of the Avengers all being happy) so have had to settle with the meager, commiseration of fanfic. 

-That also means that anything that is familiar to you, be it character, plots, place and. .... yes.... even Loki..... belongs to MC and not to me. 

- (Can we also just take a moment to appreciate Tom Hiddleston??)

- I'm British, but the story's set in the USA so please forgive (and correct!) me if I get anything wrong. 

- And yup. I think that's all for now. Might add more stuff later. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the story :)

- Oh! Also, please! Constructive criticism is always appreciated :)

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