21 - Messages

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AngstyTeen : Do you know the feeling of when you teks your crush but you have to wait for another 2-3 hours for him to responds because he is still sleeping/just woke up/doing homework?

AngstyTeen : Because that's what i'm feeling with Roman right now

LogicalLogan : You know i can talk to him if you want to.

AngstyTeen : He's not gona read it

AngstyTeen : BTW, are you and Patton a thing now?

AngstyTeen : Sorry that was too insensitive of me but i'm just curious

LogicalLogan : Pretty much, yes.

AngstyTeen : Then, can i call you "Mom"?

LogicalLogan : ...

LogicalLogan : Call me "Father".

AngstyTeen : Ok, Father

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