The Menagerie project (RWBY based...by Willem Adams
Set some years after the death of Dr J Robert Oppenheimer In 1967, Menagerie, having fallen behind the rest of the kingdoms after Atlas dropped two atomic bombs on them...
Logicality - The Missing Feeling...by Dan and Phil Trash
Cute fanfiction of Patton and Logan no smut does have kissing and other things lovey dovey
My heart and soul ( prinxcty) disc...by sleepythebookkeeper
Roman and Virgil finally realized there feelings for eachother and the- SIKE I AINT GIVEN NO DESCRIPTION
Trigger warning
Self harm
Swear words
Crystal Sidesby xxbleptomaniacxx
This is a crossover between Thomas Sander's Sanders Sides series and Steven Universe. Each Side has a gem and a weapon. They can fuse and fight villains. But when they s...
Thomas Sanders + Sides Randomnessby VirgilIsTooRelatable
Just some Thomas Sanders and Sanders Sides random post that i found
Get ready for some random gay stuff