[9] First Day At Hogwarts

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( Nico and Will are sharing a dorm...)

Nico rolled over, groaning as the sun shone upon his face. He slowly cracked open his eyes and blinked as his bedside curtains were pulled open and a cheery son of Apollo gazed down at him.

"Oh good, you're awake ! I thought I heard you groan. Come on now. It's our first day of school !"

Nico groaned again and turned away, burrowing under the covers, refusing to get up this early.

Will wasn't going to give up easily.

Half an hour later, the transfer students made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. And if one of them had had to kiss his boyfriend senseless to get him to wake up, no one really needed to know that.

As they slid into their seats at Gryffindor table, Nico noticed that nearly all of them were awake and talking at breakfast. Sure, he expected people like Hermione Granger to wake up this early, but it seemed that nearly all of the upper years had turned up. He pondered that for a while, before almost kicking himself. Of course ! They had fought a war just a few months ago, of course they would be having trouble getting a good night's sleep !

Nico sighed. Hecate had warned him about this and had hinted that she would be pleased if the demigods would cheer them up, but he hadn't really thought about it. He wondered if Will had thought of something.

After breakfast they got their schedules from a witch named Astra Aspera, who was their Transfiguration professor and also their Head of House. Consulting the piece of paper, and various students, they made their way to the first class of the day.



Double potions.

With the Slytherins.

With Draco Malfoy in the room, looking like a model and- wait, what ?! No !Um, he meant monster. Yeah, Malfoy looking like a dangerous,se- ahem, sadistic monster with his silvery eyes and pale skin and soft, pink- No !

Shaking his head vigorously, Harry tried to dispel these weird thoughts. He didn't know why, but ever since after the War, he'd been unable to think of Malfoy without having these weird thoughts. It was probably because of them saving each other's lives and stuff...yeah, that was probably it.

N-Not that he thought of Malfoy that much.


Not at all.

He sighed and followed Hermione to the dungeons, Ron trailing behind.


First class was Potions with the green-coloured house, Slytherin. Nico didn't know what kind of Potions could possibly be taught to them, because judging from the information transferred to his head by Hecate, he was pretty sure they had already done all of the dangerous ones.

He was soon to be proven wrong.(A/N: Haha !! Plot teaser !!)

"Settle down, settle down !" Slughorn called as he walked into the classroom.

"This year I will be assigning partners as per the Headmistress's wishes. Now, now-" he tried to pacify the class as they all groaned in harmony.

"I understand that you may not be happy with this turn of events, but the Headmistress thinks that you all should step outside of your circle and communicate with each other, and I couldn't agree more. So, if you will quiet down, I'll read out the names. You will be paired with these partners in your classes for the whole year."

The class went quiet in anticipation as they all prayed to be partnered with someone of their choice. At least someone from their own house.

"Di'Angelo and Granger, Solace and Weasley, Finnigan and Zabini, Thomas and Parkinson, Longbottom and Nott..."

Benches and desks scraped throughout the room as the pairs stood up to sit with each other, some shooting glares, others nervous, yet others simply indifferent.

It seemed that no one was paired with any of their friends. Harry supposed that was the whole point, but the knowledge didn't stop him from dreading being partnered up with someone horrible as all the bearable Slytherins dwindled.

Also, it seemed that only the new kids were being paired with someone from their own house. Probably so they would have someone to help them out.

Harry, suddenly realizing that he had zoned out while star- ahem, glaring at Draco Malfoy, tuned back to Slughorn's voice calling out the names - and just in time too, as his name was announced.

"Bulstrode and Brown, Potter and Malfoy,..."

"What ?!"

The professor was cut off by two incredulous teenage boys staring at him like he had just announced the apocalypse.

No, not just the two of them. The entire class had stopped their bickering to stare at him as if he had brought the apocalypse to Hogwarts.

He sighed.

"Mr. Harry Potter will be paired with Mr. Draco Malfoy in classes for the rest of the school year. Is that clear enough ? Or perhaps you need a written notice ?"

At the looks shot his way, Slughorn sighed again and set down the piece of parchment he had been reading from.

"Look boys, the Headmistress thinks - and I agree - that this schoolboy rivalry between you two has been going on for quite a long time."

The duo blushed and glared at each other as the rest of the class burst into snickers.

Slughorn sighed again.

"And that goes for the rest of you as well. This Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry is getting ridiculous. That's why you've been paired with each other. I hope this arrangement will bring some results, or we will be forced to take drastic measures. I really don't want to be the one telling you this, but you're going to have to know, so..."

By now the entire class was staring intently at him.

Slughorn cleared his throat and continued.

"By the order of the Headmistress, you two houses will have to spend all of your classes together. Even the few activities and events which may be held. You will get your new timetables in your next class."

On that happy note, Slughorn waved off the groans and complaints and protests that rang out - and threatened them with detention when they still continued. Which left a mere 15 minutes, and the weary professor, who really couldn't handle any more petty fighting, sent them off early.

He now understood why the Headmistress had insisted on breaking the news to them in this manner.

Their respective groups of friends tried to reason with the two impossible boys as they headed to their free period, followed by lunch, and then the next class...

Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Taught by Severus Snape.

With their new partners.

This was going to be a long year...

A/N: Hello everyone ! So sorry for the long wait and this stupid chapter. I just couldn't think of how to get the plot started. A few things about the plot, if you're interested :
I have read quite a lot of Drarry, and I'm going to use some of the ideas I've come across and patch them together. I've been thinking that there wasn't enough Drarry, and now my plot holds more Drarry than anything else ! I'll need some time to work on that, so that it will be a Nico goes to Hogwarts and not a Drarry love story. ;P
Again, sorry for the long waits and infrequent updates. I really want to tell you guys that I'll update faster, but I don't make promises which I can't keep.

And yeah, I know that Slughorn sounded like McGonagall, but that was what she had said in the staff meeting. I have the entire scene in my head. If anyone wants to read it, I'll post it, but it's not really connected to the plot, so...
But I promise, if anyone wants to read it, I will write it. Pinky swear. :)

Nico di angelo at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now