4. Coffee Shop Love

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Heyoo! Plz let me know if you think "heck", "shut up" or anything like that is a bad word or something because if you think so..I can prescribe you the number to a Mental Doctor..lol..K on with the imagine now..

So it was a normal day like any other..Y'know..sitting at home doing nothing. I was staring at the ceiling and thinking about why all my 2 friends always end up stabbing me in the back. Everytime something like this happened, I'd always turn to my best friend since Kindergarten, 'Y/BFF/N'. 

She was like everything to me. A mother, a sister, a therapist, but best of all, a good friend. I always told her all my problems and she could always relate and guide me on what to do. But today I just didn't feel like bothering her. I needed something else. I didn't  know what but anything/anyone could help.

I decided to change up my clothes to maybe light me up. To be honest, this was all regular for me. Since I already changed, I thought I could put some light makeup on and hit up my favorite place, My local cafe. The aroma of that place was so homey and warming. I actually made a pretty good friend there too. 

And to my luck, it was raining outside, also my favorite type of weather. I'd rather not talk to anyone on the way there or back so I ran back upstairs, got my headphones, my phone, my raincoat and an umbrella.

 No one was home coz my parents had gone to a trip to the Maldives and I didn't really wanna join. And my older siblings were all in college far away from home. So it was only my pet dog, Lexie and me. I actually loved being home alone. So this was an opportunity I didn't wanna miss. 

I locked the door and went outside in the most coolest weather I've ever felt. It was really nice. i put on my Rain playlist which included all my good songs like ; Silence, In My Blood, Dusk Till Dawn, Wolves, Youth, Back to You and more. Those songs gave me nice vibes and chills down my spine. So I walk my way there acting like I'm in a music video since all the streets were pretty much empty. 

Once I get there, I ordered a warm cup of coffee and sat there to relax and chat with the barista, My friend, Emma. The cafe was empty too but there were these other 5 boys whom I thought I had seen on the internet but wasn't too sure. I ignored them but one of them did catch my eye. I enjoyed my coffee with my friend and when I was leaving, I heard them whispering some things to each other like, " C'mon bro!", "go do it!! She is leaving!", "DUDEE GO!". 

Ignoring that I went to open the door but then I heard my favorite song, In My Blood, not through my headphones but inside the cafe. I looked back and I saw one of the boys perched on a table with a guitar singing the song. My heart melted hearing his voice. My eyes tearing up thinking about the song, my sad situation, and the boy's voice. After that, I did something I'd never do..

I went up to the 5 boys when the song was over with tears in my eyes and I said, " H-hey..I really liked your song. It was..very nicely performed.." All the other ones stared at me while I talked to the blue eyed one who sang it. He looked back at me and saw my tears and replied back, " Oh..Umm thanks.. I really like the song too so..Wait! Are you crying?" 

Shocked as hell, I wiped the tears off my face and stuttered, " huh? what..no no." He gave me a goofy smile. He told the others something and looked back at me. The other boys exited leaving us both the only ones there. " You know? You look really pretty.. Almost like an angel", he said breaking the silence. I blushed little. No boy had ever complimented me in a long time so this was a big thing. 

He asked me for my number and we exchanged them. I thanked him once again for the beautiful song. And then I realized something really stupid. I said, " Hey! I don't even know your name..I don't know what to put you as in my contacts. I'm 'Y/N' btw" He chuckled and said, " I'm Daniel. And those were my bandmates if you were wondering." 

We had a short talk about his band for some time and while we were leaving through the door together, he spoke up again breaking our conversation to say, "Hey! I-I just wanted to ask you if you-you would like to go out with me..like on a date?" 

In my head I'm surprised as heck, like how is he so confident?? He asked me out the first time we met?! OKay..I admit it I liked him too so I said, "Mmm. . .sure why not?" He gave me a very joyful smile and said, " At the movies at 8?". 

I agreed on it and went back home. I couldn't believe it! I had a real place to be at after so long. I went home immediately with a blushing smile on my face. I was so happy. I couldn't stop thinking about how this would end. I went to my room, changed into comfy clothes and ran back outside to our porch and started to dance to my favorite songs..I probably looked like an idiot but atleast I was filled with joy...

Part 2 coming soon 

Daniel Seavey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now