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I love The Mummy (1999). It was frightening and I was scared of it when I was a child. However, it also encouraged me to find information about this ancient civilization and allowed me to develop passion for it and History. In 2016 summer, I accidentally found out about the Universal Pictures' plans to reboot it and I was very excited. However, I was not very satisfied with Tom Cruise and Sofia Boutella who was unknown to me but it was not a big problem. The trailers looked awesome, however, they spoiled the film. Talking about the movie, I really enjoyed the performance of Sofia. Jake Johnson, Courtney B. Vance, Annabelle Wallis and Russell Crowe were also good but I think that there should be someone else instead of Tom Cruise. This film had potential although the plot had some acute problems and even logical issues. I started to read fan fiction and I was not completely satisfied. Those stories inspired me to create my own version of The Mummy. I do not want to write this story as a book. It will be something similar to a script. I want you to imagine everything as a film. I believe that it will be even more interesting when you have only a few details and have to think about everything else by yourself because only you can create the perfect story which you would love. I hope you will enjoy it.

The main differences between this work and the movie:

The plot does not begin in London or Iraq. I believe that the landscape of Egypt gives the movie authenticity and it is significant part of the movie. It was interesting to see the action in London but I prefer Egypt as it worked really well in 1932 and 1999.

The story of Ahmanet is not spoiled at the beginning as it is too predictable. The Universal Pictures want to reboot the original movies, so let's focus on 1932 where the story is revealed later.

The film should have included more horror and terrifying scenes. People say that it should have been a horror movie with lower budget and with less CGI but personally I cannot imagine the mummy without a sandstorm.

The creators wanted to concentrate on the Dark Universe instead of the quality of this film. So, I decided to terminate these links and make a standalone movie without the Prodigium.

The ending is quite disappointing. Yes, it leaves doors wide open for a potential sequel but I dislike the idea that Nick Morton gains power and is as strong as Ahmanet. It diminishes the role of the mummy and turns Nick into a mummy and that is unacceptable.

The director wanted us to support the main villains of the Dark Universe and think whether they or we are the real monsters. Yet, the character of Ahmanet is not fully developed and her backstory is not satisfying and raise a lot of questions. Why couldn't she bring Set before killing her family? Why Set needs to come to our world in a form of a human even if he was able to give the dagger to Ahmanet? Why she has to be dependent on a man? By the way, the story is also corrected to make it more realistic (no double irises, no Set in the room and so on). 

There are some details from The Mummy 1932, 1999 and even leaked primal introduction of The Mummy 2017 that included Assyrian king Ashurbanipal.

There are a lot of goofs in the movie, such as mercury and chains in the tomb, ancient Egyptian art and language, Set, the plane and so on. These things are corrected.

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