Chapter 4

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Chris: So, we have to take the dagger before her. Am I right?
Jenny: Yes, but we don't know where it is. Perhaps in the tomb.
Nick: No, there was only the coffin. Besides, it would be foolish to leave the dagger with her, ancient Egyptians couldn't be that stupid.
Jenny: Tyler, perhaps there a few hints in the tomb? Are you sure you have checked all my photos?
Tyler: Believe me, there are no clues. But let's try to think. There was a statue of Horus on her sarcophagus. It means that ancient Egyptians believed that he can stop Ahmanet and secure them. Furthermore, people could trust Osiris and Isis. To my mind, we have to search for a temple that was dedicated to these gods.
Jenny: Edfu?
Tyler: No, it was built much later. It may be the Mortuary Temple of Seti I near Abydos where both Osiris and Isis were worshipped.
Chris: Well, Abydos, here we come.


Without any notice Ahmanet gets into the back of a truck and travels to Abydos. Six hours later she is in El Balyana. It is a quiet afternoon. Only two people are in a small street. A man feels that someone is observing them. He commands his wife to move on while he stops and turns around. Ahmanet jumps on him, opens his mouth and absorbs his vitality. The wife stands in in the corner and cannot see her husband. Ahmanet is behind her, she takes a rock and throws it to a woman's head. The woman falls and Ahmanet takes her life. Then almost half of her skin and organs regenerate. She notices that two teenagers are hiding behind some barrels and are watching her. She begins to run and attacks them. Her skin and organs regenerate although there are many patches without skin. She looks pale. Her skin is bleached. The princess request corpses to rise and they begin to move.


Nick, Jenny and Chris stand some hundreds of meters from the entrance of the temple.

Jenny: It's closed at the moment. Let's go around the temple and see if there are any hints on the outside. And then we will come inside. Somehow.

Jenny and Chris walk away but Nick stares at the opening doors. Ahmanet stands near them and raises her hand.

Ahmanet: My chosen.

Everything becomes dark. Nick finds himself standing inside the building.

Nick: What the hell? How did I...

He hears something.

Nick: Jenny? Chris? Okay... Stay calm... Ah...

One corpse jumps on Nick, Nick falls. Other cadavers take him and put him on a table. Ahmanet straddles him. She touches chin, checks his teeth, his abdomen, chest. She begins to whisper near his face.

Nick: Okay.
Ahmanet: You have set me free. Now you can join me.
Nick: I'm sorry, what?

Ahmanet smashes the top of a statue near Nick's head and takes the dagger.

Nick: Oh, God. No, no, no. No, please.

She looks at it. At the same moment Jenny appears in the temple. Ahmanet, Nick and the corpses turn their heads to the intruders.

Nick: Jenny!
Jenny: Yeah?
Nick: Run! Run!

Ahmanet puts the dagger on the table and hops of it to come to Jenny. She grips Jenny's throat. Jenny tries to hit Ahmanet but the mummy throws her to the wall. She slowly comes to Jenny, grips her again and prepares to take her life. Whereas, Nick beats the corpses, takes the knife and shoves it into Ahmanet's back. She screams and releases Jenny. Jenny takes the dagger and Nick pushes Ahmanet. She falls and Nick with Jenny run outside.

Nick: Run, Chris, run! She's here!

They run to the ambulance, which is parked near the temple, and drive through an enormous garden of palm trees.

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