Chapter 1

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Death is but the doorway to new life.

We live today, we shall live again.

In many forms shall we return.


 Late morning in the West of Egypt. The sun is blazing. U.S. Army sergeant Nick Morton and corporal Chris Vail are standing in the Qattara Depression. On a dune, the reconnaissance team is observing a group of Libyan terrorists that invaded the Qara Oasis.  

Chris: It's filled with insurgents down there.
Nick: We can do this.
Chris: Oh, no, no, no! You're not going down there.
Nick: You're right, I'm not. We are.
Chris: At least call in an airstrike.
Nick: Airstrike? Bad idea.
Chris: A little one. Just... Maybe they'll run off.
Nick: And then they'll continue to sabotage towns and attack innocent people. Also, we don't even know what's down there. Perhaps there are precious antiquities. Treasures.
Chris: No, sir, I ain't going on this one.
Nick: What?
Chris: I'm not going.
Nick: Vail.

Nick takes out a knife.

Chris: What are you gonna do, stab me with that?

Nick cuts Chris's waterskin.

Chris: Oh, no, no, no! You crazy bastard. It's a full day's ride to the nearest water!
Nick: The nearest water is right down in that village. Come on, Vail. Where's your sense of adventure?
Chris: Well, that's just great, Nick. That's just great!
Nick: Come on, slip in, slip out, just like we always do.


Nick and Chris runs from a group of terrorists while shooting at them. They go to small streets and poor buildings but cannot escape from shots.

Chris: You son of a bitch! Oh, my God! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!
Nick: Move! Move!
Chris: You kidding me? "Slip in, slip out"? This is not like we always do!
Nick: Stairs! Just run! Run! Grenade!

They get on a roof of a house and start to run above a row of dwellings.

Chris: I hate you! I hate you so much! I never even wanted to come to this country!

They lie on a roof.

Nick: Let me think. Just let me think.

Chris takes a radio.

Chris: If anyone is listening, this is L-26, urgent, hot! Request dynamic precision strike at our mark!
Nick: You did not just call in an airstrike!
Chris: Oh, yes, I did! Oh, man! We're gonna die!
Nick: Just, please, Vail! Let me think!
Chris: We're gonna die because of you!
Nick: Just let me think!
Chris: Think about what?
Nick: I'm thinking...
Chris: What? What are you thinking?
Nick: I'm thinking... we're probably gonna die here.
Chris: I knew it! I knew it!

Eventually a missile lands in the middle of the main street and kills several men. The roof collapses and the troops fall to the ground. The group of remaining terrorists runs away towards a cliff.

Chris: I am still alive!
Nick: As much as those insurgents. We need to follow them.

Partners follows Libyans and hides near the entrance of a cave in the cliff.

Chris: What are we going to do now?

After some moments strange sounds, screams, and shooting echo in the cave.

Nick: We have to go in and check out what is happening there.
Chris: It looks like I decided to rejoice too early.

Colleagues come inside. It is very dark. Chris takes a flashlight and sees a pool of blood. All terrorists are dead as all of them were shot.

Chris: So, they were so frightened by us that decided to alleviate the whole situation by killing themselves.

Nick takes his own flashlight and walks around the corpses while observing the cave.

Nick: That's strange. I mean, normally they should have tried to kill us and die trying to do that. That's really unexpected.
Chris: Yeah. But I'm glad that everything is over and now we can go to our base.

Nick stares at vague lines in the stone and scratches dust.

Nick: Look, this block is not a part of this wall. I wonder what is behind it. It's like doors that lead to a tomb which is crowded with golden amulets, jewellery and luxurious death masks.
Chris: Don't you dare to start smashing your way into it. How can you be sure that it is a tomb? Or that this thing is related to the ancient Egyptians?
Nick: There's only one way to find out it.
Chris: Do you really want to get into jail for looting?
Nick: We wouldn't be looters. We would be liberators of precious antiquities. Oh, look, here are some hieroglyphs. It means that there is a treasure and we're going to see...

Colonel Greenway and several troops suddenly appear in the cave.

Greenway: I was told you boys were supposed to stay away from here!
Chris: Yes, sir!
Nick: But based on intelligence, we had reason to believe the insurgents were holding civilian hostages. We had to make a call, wait for Delta to respond or go in alone!
Chris: It was Sergeant Morton's idea to go in, actually!
Nick: Only to find out that the villagers had long since evacuated.
Chris: Yeah, lucky for them, not for us. Sir, when we realized we were in the center of the insurgent stronghold, it was too late. When we were discovered, we started taking on heavy fire.
Nick: Well, sir, Corporal Vail, here, is too humble to admit it, but he risked his life to save mine. He's a hero. In fact, I'd like to recommend him for a citation.
Greenway: I don't want to hear your stories. You had to observe the territory and inform us about the situation here. Moreover, you killed all the men and now we can't interrogate them about their group, leaders and plans.
Nick: That's not true, we didn't kill them. We found them dead near this tomb.
Greenway: Tomb?
Nick: Yeah... We found the doors in the cave with some ancient signs on them.
Greenway: Well, that means we have to call archaeologists.

Nick frowns.

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