|Chapter 3|

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Aizawa huffed as he straightened the tuxedo that was strangely and creepily sent to his home while looking around as if to watch if someone passes by. He didn't think that he would be wearing a tuxedo in an undercover mission, moreover a mission with a stranger. Not that he minded working with another stranger, it was that he didn't know what to think about the woman he just met.

Everything about her was just so mysterious—so unique and so graceful. He noticed that the way she moves was too smooth, natural and flowy as if she was a graceful swan. He rolled his eyes. It wasn't the time to judge a girl by the way she moves—he was meant to think about what he should do now. He was wearing a tuxedo and he doesn't have his weapon with him.

He wanted to take his weapon with him, but it will be too suspicious to have his cloth wrapped around his neck like that. He was an underground hero, sure, but that weapon is kind of his symbol—anyone can recognize him as a hero if he wasn't careful.

He let out a deep sigh, running his fingers through his slick but messy hair. Today was supposed to be a rest day for him, but here he was...waiting for an unknown girl and go undercover for a ridiculous reason. He can't confirm if the one he was working with was a villain or an agent of the government. Nonetheless, he had to do this in order to get his license back. Not that he had any choice anyway. Reporting such act to the police can be troublesome and annoying, so he chose to handle it himself.

"Oh...You look great on your tuxedo!" A familiar voice suddenly exclaimed which slightly startled the raven headed male. With a groan, he turned towards the source of the voice, only seeing his supposed partner clothed in such majestic (f/c) tube dress. Her eyes were bright and mischievous, her once pink and tender lips were now coated in bright red chap lipstick. Her (h/c) strands were grandly crafted into a bun, messy but it looked enticing. She had make-up on—honestly, Aizawa prefers her natural look, it was more alluring and beautiful.

Wait, what?

"Your hair, Aizawa..." The girl huffed as she crossed her arms, eyebrows were raised as she inspected his hair. "It's better if you tie it. See...your bangs are on the way. They can't see your handsome face if you're hiding your face behind your Rapunzel-like hair." The girl said as she opened her purse before taking out a ponytail, smiling towards Aizawa.

"No," Aizawa said with a firm voice, slightly scooting away from the (h/c) female. "This won't hurt you! We'll just tie it—see? Now come and sit here for a bit while I tie your hair." Aizawa wanted to protest but (Y/N) gave him no chance as she pulled him by his arm, forcing him to sit on the bench just in front of the café.

"What's the point? We're going to wear a mask anyways." The girl snickered. "Just see...you'll be comfortable after this. Trust me."

Trust? No, Aizawa didn't trust her. He can't. She was too suspicious and too mysterious to be even trusted. He was only going on her ways because he needed to. He was troubled that if he didn't go on her ways and follow her, his license would be dead as his soul.

That's the last thing I want to see.

"There!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she took a step back as if studying her finished masterpiece. Aizawa looked up to the girl, seeing her brighter and clearer than before.

Well, that did clear my vision.

"You look really awesome. I did such a good job." Aizawa was silent as he scoffed, standing up as he turned to the (h/c) headed girl with a serious frown. "Let's just get this finished."

(Y/N) hummed and followed Aizawa, taking a few steps ahead of him just to guide him to their ride. Aizawa narrowed his eyes as he saw a black limousine that was parked just a few walks from the café. The said male inhaled in thought, eyes were locked at the grand limo.

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