|Chapter 10|

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Fujihara sighed and it was followed by a puff of smoke. The minty yet kinda stuffy relief filled her lungs before she spoke with a cold voice. "I was working for the agency for three years when (Y/N) came. I was 15 and she was 14."

Aizawa frowned. To think that she was already working at that young age, it was quite astonishing, to be honest. But Aizawa didn't interject and let the woman speak. "She was under my supervision when she was transferred. I was the one who taught her the ropes in the agency. She was quick to learn if I were to admit but...she was too good for it."

When Fujihara mentioned it, she put her cigarette between her lips before inhaling. "She took everything literally as if I was putting a command on a computer. That's when I thought, 'Aah...It's like I am teaching an AI robot that has no emotions.'... There were times where I put her to the test, and by test, I mean involving psychological aspects." She huffed and flicked her cigarette, her gaze was distant as the ashes fell down to the ground. "The test was all about emotional consequences. In front of her was a man who murdered a male who raped and killed his wife. That man was charged for execution, even if he wasn't an official villain. She was the executioner, she was the one who'll judge and kill the man. I thought she would hesitate to kill the guy, or even show some sign of distress." Fujihara chuckled lowly, deeply inhaling the cigarette.

"But damn, the girl didn't even spare a second to hesitate. She swiftly pulled the trigger before turning to us, her eyes were dead and nonchalant. Then she said... 'Who's next?'" She sighed, slowly shaking her head in the memory of that event. She remembered how the blood slowly trickled down the man's forehead, pooling on the chair and on the floor.

Aizawa had no words.

"Geez, that girl. If I were to command her to jump, maybe she'll ask how high. That's why (Y/N) is a puppet." She narrowed her eyes, throwing her cigarette down before stomping on it and extinguished it with a quick twist of her heel. Then she turned to Aizawa. "She has no sense of motivation nor judgment. She needs someone to tell her what to do or she'll be lost. We eventually trained her to kill only at necessary times, but even though there's a limit, drawing blood is unavoidable."

She glanced at the male hero, curious about his reaction after hearing these things. These words she said...she didn't know how many times she said it to those who became partners with (Y/N). Of course, Fujihara cannot deal with information leak, especially about the female spy, so she judges their reaction and before brewing a coffee that can make their memories regarding (Y/N) disappear. But for the first time...maybe she didn't need to brew it. After all, Aizawa looked...a bit concerned.

"Do you want to hear more? Perhaps where she came from? What did she do before coming to the agency? How many people she kil--"

"No." Aizawa said in such a stern voice, his eyes were sharp and deadly.

Fujihara hummed with amusement. "I see. Well, that's unfortunate. I suppose that you don't want to hear anything anymore because the way you see her might change?"

"No, that's not it either." Aizawa exhaled, frustrated as he scratched his head. "I want those questions to be answered. But I want to hear those answers from her. I'll make her tell me what she was back then."

The red-headed female was astonished by his remark, her eyes were wide. Then she snorted and laughed as if Aizawa just made a joke. The male hero just looked at the laughing female, an eyebrow was raised in slight confusion. "Damn it, that's the last thing I expected to hear. You're interesting you know?"

Aizawa scoffed. "It's not like I have ulterior motives, nor curiosity has taken over me. I just wanted to see what made her like that, and it's damn unusual that it's bothering me."

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