This is the official map of the land. Its name is Aitereon.
As you can see, I changed some town names and added some areas.
Town Summaries
Cadence: A sleepy little town, well known for its music. Magical occurances happen often. They hold a mid summer festival called mediocris festivale, or fairy festival. This holiday celebrates the guardian fairy that resides in the thousand year old willow tree in the center of town. This is also where TC has their HQ. Part of the town has been allocated as army territory, and this territory extends a little further into the surrounding forests. This territory is where story of Stuck begins. They wanted somewhere peaceful so their training wouldn't go interrupted.
Ashborne: Also known as Merchant's Haven, this town is exactly what its nick name is. Since it's on the main road and one of the main stops to any town, it makes lots of money from passing travelers. However the people here are very hospitable.
Watercrest: A small fishing town that is a good place to rest for a while if you're on a long journey. However it is rumored among the travelers that the town protects the world from the sirens that supposedly reside nearby.
Redland: The magical capital of the land. Mainly populated by sorcerers and wizards. This is the place where you get all of your magical supplies and where you go to school for magic. The school there has existed for over 300 years, and its graduates have become some of the greatest magic users. It is also the largest city in the land.
Area Summaries
Flowerfruit Fields: These lustrous, colorful fields are covered in magical flora. From the fruit trees that gave them their name, to the smallest medicinal herbs that can be found there. And the fields are protected by spring's shield, thus making the flora always in bloom, even in winter. This is people go to gather the best and finest herbs and flowers. Legend has it that if you pluck the season's flower and give it to your true love, you will have eternal happiness.
Blackfire Lake: This small lake has the honor of being the home of the will o wisps. People often say that the lake and the area surrounding it is cursed because of it.
Crystal Beach: This beach is covered in beautiful seashells and crystals. However, if you were to take anything from its shore you will be cursed with bad luck until you return the item that you stole. Also mermaids. There are mermaids.
Evernight Woods: These woods are extremely dangerous. Home to many of the most dangerous creatures in the land due to the constant low lighting. This trait of always looking like it's nighttime is what garnered its name.
Lionheart Mountains: The mountains are dangerous to cross. Home to gryffons, hippogriffs, phoenixes, chimeras, and manticores. Only the truly brave and well trained are able to scrape by.
Evershade Valley: This valley is home to the ghouls, ghosts, and supernatural monsters and creatures. Legend says it's the gate to hell.
The Astral Sea: This sea is home to many underwater sea creatures and fish. A very good source of food. Its surrounded by rocky cliffsides however.
Thundervale Falls: A very pretty waterfall and a popular tourist spot if you go to visit Redland. It is a great place to recharge your magical energy.
Battlescar Valley: This is where many people go to fight each other. Either to settle arguments or take revenge.
Forest of Memories: Never. Never enter these woods. The forest has an odd magical property. Depending on what type of emotional experience you have there, your trip there can either go beautifully or terribly. For the forest twists and amplifies your emotions and thoughts. If you got married there, memories and feelings of joy and love fill your mind and you'll have the best day of your life. If you have a bad emotional experience, like an argument, the forest will twist and morph your thoughts and memories until you succumb to its virus.
Extra Areas
Mt. Hearthstone: A tall snowy, mountain. The people of the land say a god resides at its peak, watching over the land and protecting it.
The Willow River: This river is cool and runs through the mountains and through Cadence. Many people in Cadence love to play in it. TC uses it as a training lesson on how to rescue someone who fell into rushing rapids.
Explaining Stuck and extra ideas
RandomJust what the title says. In this book I will be answering any questions you have about the book, explaining how fusion works in this universe, giving extra backstory, and just giving extra ideas. Thanks for reading, and hopefully this will free up...