Chapter Six

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I grab his arm and follow him out the door and through the corridor until we're outside, we pass the garden entrance and instead follow a path up a hill. On top of the hill he had set up a picnic. We both sit down on the blanket.
"So Caroline how is the selection for you so far?" He asks
I don't feel like lying  "Honestly? The room is nice and so are my maids, but the whole only wearing dresses thing sucks and the girls oh the girls. It constantly about you like can we talk about something besides the prince!?" I let the words slip out of my mouth.
"Ah so you don't like talking about me!?" He teases
"Erggg not all the time!"
"Ahh I see. So your not head over heels for me?"
If I get sent home so be it, it wouldn't be ideal but I can't help it "Nope. Honestly though. can we just be friends?"
"Friends?" He inquires
"Yeah like I'll be your inside girl. I'll feed you information and stuff, help you pick up the girls" I explain
"Friends it is" he says
Caydens pov
I like her, she is refreshing. She speaks her mind and she has this air around her. Not to mention she is beautiful. I decided to agree to friends so she'll stick around but im going to change her mind. She doesn't see it but I know she would be the perfect queen.
"Who should I take on a date next?" I ask to humor her
"Hmm Rhine definitely, she is amazing and she would be a great queen" she says truthfully
"Rhine it is" I say.
"Oh, I must be back to my room it is getting late" she says
We stand up and walk to her room in confortable silence.
We say goodbye and I head to the music room where I find my parents and Mia.

My mom walks over and kisses my cheek " How was your date with lady Caroline? "

"It was okay." I mumble going to sit by my sister
"Whatever she did it can't be worse than what your mother did" My father says smiling
"Hey! It was your fault!" Mother says pushing him
"Oh yes, America, you knelling me in the groin was my fault" he says teasing
" she didn't do anything" I say "she just wants to be friends"
"And do you want that?" Mom asks
"Im not sure she's.....different. when I met her she didn't know who I was and she called me stupid"
"Well she seems nice... You'll woo her son" mom says
"What about the other girls" mia asks
"They are all nice too. I'm asking rhine on a date tomorrow"
"Can I meet them?" She asks
"Of course Mia. Anyways im going back to my room"

Rhine pov
Caroline was missing at dinner which I assume means that she was on a date with the prince seeing as he was also missing. I watched as the other girls had glared between the two and connected the dots. Now back in my room I watch as my maids bustle around to start me a bath.
"Slow down emma or you'll have a stroke" I say to her.
Mary grabs my arm and leads me to the bathroom. I shed my robe and slip into the tub. Leila starts rubbing in the shampoo and I let my mind wonder. What if I become queen? Could I love Prince Cayden? What about my family? Would I even be right for the job? After my bath I let my maids go and slip into some pjs. Laying down I fall right to sleep

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