misaki's omega heat

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Misaki pov

"Recently i have been feeling really sick like hot and iv been in bed for a while now the problem is being an omega you have heat and i don't know why mine is coming so early .. I don't even know who my mate is i find out tommoro as i turn 20 yes i am still a little baby but im growing up ahaha i want to go out but my body is just so weak and none can come into my room well i can play video games but that is it ohh well time to sleep i cannot wait for this to end 1 month i gotta deal with this dammit ugh i hate being an omega i dont wanna carry kids at my age at all welp im off to bed....

Next morning
misaki/author pov

"Misaki wakes up to someone banging on his door telling him he has to go out and get something to eat as he has been hidden in his room for the whole week he's some what happy and he feels weak "I feel so weak i dont even want to go and play with saru today i want food then i am going home and not coming back out i need to reject my mate i have too i cannot be tied down i wont be never welp time to get ready ill have to hide my scent problem is saru is an alpha i need to hide away from him too if he finds out im an omega and in heat it will be a disaster....(opens door) "misaki walks out of the apartment he is renting with some friends who already have there mates and are going to be moving out soon and moving on with there lives the aparment is for loners without a partner's misaki finally gets to the shop and enter's it."Looks like i made it to the shop without any problems time to get my food and leave i think ill have some chicken and wraps "misaki goes down to the stuff he wants then he continues to the check out then once he is finished he runs for his life as saru shows up out of nowhere "oi yata where are you going "i told u not to call me that call me misaki and i need to run bye saru "shit i need to get out of here "misaki runs so fast that he dropped his ice cream but does not go back for it he runs into his house and locks the door hiding and throwing his food into the microwave taking it out and eating it "well that was a really bad thing i wont be going out there for a while but dam saru smelt so good wait what "misaki jumps suprised "saru is my mate no no no no way "misaki finishes his meal "welp time for a nap he locks all his doors and windows "but what misaki did not know is saru had a key to his room misaki falls asleep ohh dear !!!

"Was that really misaki he smelt so good that i did not even get a proper look at him he dropped his ice cream he looked like he was in a hurry but this smell i can smell it i am going to follow it "Saru follows the scent and is shocked to find its misakis house he takes out the key and places it in misakis door and unlocks the door with a click misaki forgot he left a key with saru a long time ago saru walks in as he sees his beautiful mate fast asleep closing the door then locking it "To think misaki is my mate and he smells so good i really wanna eat him i guess i will mark him for now "Saru places his fangs into misakis neck licking the blood after hes done "Misaki is mine now no one will have him now im going to rest beside him but first let me call brother "hay bro"yes saru "i found my mate"good who is it "ohh misaki "ohh i thought so right well u can stay off for the month does he know your in his room "no "ok listen to me carefully "go under his covers where he is sleeping and place your hands under his top then fall asleep with him right i need to go by bro "by brother thanks for the info"saru places his hands like his brother told him too then he moves himself under neath the bed covers and wraps misaki around him hearing a slight moan "SsSAru "wow hes dreaming of me in his sleep "saru falls asleep with misaki in his arms ....

10 mins later

saru pov

"God i think i am going to make dinner and then get him up he's so weak I could beat him up now but i don't plan to i can't he's my mate even though he is a brat he is my brat and i love him i always have so that's why i attack him to hide my love for him i don't hate him never have I really do love him and I hope that he will notice me even before I found out he was my mate iv loved him crap he's waking up ... afternoon brat
         Misakis / author pov
"Misaki wakes up to the beautiful smell of chicken fried rice and pork his favourite but is shocked to who is in his kitchen " yum what is that delish smell it smells like fried chicken rice and pork my favourite omg who is that I'm m m m my kitchen ahh who are you no" Misaki stares at the person in front of him and it's no other than saru-hiko "Saru w w w what are you doing here your my mate I need to reject you I'm not ready for a family yet please you have to understand " Misaki I understand I got in here because you gave me a key a while ago and I do not want you outside in this state your in " :O Misaki what are you doing you can't even stand Misaki wake up " I'm tired saru"Misaki your burning up badly 😞your not going to like this Misaki in order to calm you down we have to mate but I won't cum inside you not until you are ready iv marked You as mine are you ok with that "yes I don't have a choice saru take me ..  "okay mizaki here i go "yes saru "Saru picks up misaki into his lap then pulls his top up slightly putting is luke warm hands on his chest sucks his nipples as misaki moans saru begins to get hard he then places his hands into misakis pants and touches his cock giving him an hand job a misaki continues to moan loudly until "misaki im going to put it in "okay saru "can i cum inside "y y yes you can please help it hurts my whole body hurts i want you saru now i cant wait "ok"as misaki says this he pulls sarus top to him he then looks up still in pain at sarus face and places his love sick lips onto his sliding his tonuge into sarus mouth with him in shock "misaki where did you learn to kiss like that "well you see saru i never hated you i kissed you in your sleep im in love with you but i couldnt admit it i was scared you would reject me (cry) "misaki i love you too i have wanted to do this with you for a very long time .."i love you even more saru and the same im glad your my mate O_O dont ever hurt me or i will never forgive you saru "never will i ever hurt you i love you so much"saru places his hands on misaki once again and strips him completly misaki places his butt in the air after they pull apart from there hot passionate kiss with saliva everywhere misaki parts his legs and saru pulls misaki infront of him placing him on his back entering finger after finger then massaging his cock as he moans until"misaki here i go " okay saru "saru places his cock into misaki and misaki crys and moans out loud the pain gone hes just one with saru the person he has always loved to pieces at peace with him finally they are together without anyone annoying them"saru moves inside miskai then pulls in and out thrusting into him pounding him senseless then he pulls out and places misaki on his lap and lays down "misaki ride me "ok "misaka rides saru moaning as he moves in rhythem to sarus movements as if they were ment to be he takes misaki off him and places miskai on the bed again pushing back into him reaching his peak misaki im im im going to to .."ok saru do it "saru cums hard into mizakis body ...ugh fckmisaki ur insides are amazing "thank you few im going to have your baby now are you happy saru "yes i am very "good welp "saru pulls out of misaki as they snog misaki sucks him off and then saru does the same to misaki then ..goodnight my yata night saruu >>>......<<<< then they fall asleep...

did you enjoy this if not thats fine i tried i love this anime saru and mizaki are my fav

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