The new guy /did he forget me :/jealous now are we

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                                                                 Misaki pov

"So today i was going to tell 'saru how i feel about him but i also heard there is a new guy coming today and that he's going to be working with saru's team .. I really don't know if i can even bother to tell him as he will proberly laugh at me saying im stupid and joking and that i don't understand anything well i better get ready it will be time to meet the other's and the new person ;/ im not looking forward to this at all...

                                                                   Saru pov

"Hmm so today there is going to be a new person coming and i am going to be spending time with him as hes new and i want him to know hes a friend off mine even though he is new and i dont know him ...Misaki will mostlikely get jealous but ohh well i don't care anyways i don't like him like that i know that .. hes still a little one to me i hope this guy is awsome ohh here he comes ... sorry misaki ... don't ruin my chance ..


"Hay guys the person is here his name is haru and that hes going to be shown around by saru and also saru has requested to be partnered up with him so misaki needs another person to partner with "ohh ok before that saru can i talk to u quick after this i won't talk to you again sorry "yeah sure make it quick im busy "so there is no easier way to say this i like you saru .."Umm i know misaki but i don't like you ..Your still a kid and that's why i cannot date you and also i have taken a new partner as i needed an upgrade from you the new guy looks better to chill with then you so please don't talk to me again "sar saru"shut up misaki i don't need you ;-;(sniffle"Saru"I wish i never met you at all i wish i was never paired with a loser like you so don't talk to me anymore "ok "saru are you coming yeah"sigh i tried (drip drip drip) sniffle sniffle) anyways i was saying haru is sarus new partner as he wishes not to partner with misaki anymore so saru what is your reason for this"well i needed an upgrade from him and this guy seems nice and misaki is usless so haru will you team up with me "Sure mr saru i believe your name is "yes it is "well we are going off guys so see you later "yeah im going to show him around the place "okay be carefull ...

4mins later 

                                                                      suou red king 

"Has anyone seen misaki -yata and his partner"yes we saw him earlier he looked out of it broken dull his eyes were just gone no cheerfullness "so who was his partner "saru "i see i thought so send him back to my branch i don't want him here anymore he's so stupid for even deciding to join here well i knoe why im going to find him and take him back to ours "you can't do that misaki is part of the blue kings area now "I can so i will to be honest i wish he stayed with us instead of falling for that idiot saru anyways bye once i find him he's going home with me im sorry you just started a war between the red and the blue kings bye your not to come near him non of you are ..... and saru not either don't want him near him ohh there is misaki "misaki we are going home "(Collapse collapse) MISAKI MISAKI MISAKI omg .......(runs picks up ) i i have to go this poor guy needs to go home and be with us hes so unwell and depressed and he has blood on him where the hell did that come from ..."ok ill inform saru and haru "who the hell is haru "ohh the new guy saru has partnered with him and told misaki he was a loser and useless and that he regret's meeting him and wishes he was never friend's with him and that haru was better than him .." misaki told him he likes him saruhiko said that he does not like misaki and he needed an upgrade to haru and he also told misaki that he is to never approch him again .. and left him "omg well don't come here bye this poor boy bye (whoosh)...SHIT WHAT HAS HAPPENED...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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