Chapter 1: Regular Routine (Changed around❗️)

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Monday morning...

The loud sounds of the alarm clock woke Faith as she banged it off rubbing her eyes as she stairs at the outside window then she looks at the picture of her, her mom and Mya when she was only couple months old continued daydreaming until there's a sound coming from the door.

Faith looks at the door and freezes

As the door opens slowly it shows her Lil sister Mya peeking her head in The room

Mya: "Faith you up yet?"

Faith let out a long sight and smiled

"yea I'm up"

Mya: "Good I was about to say..." *as she walks in the room and jumped on Faith bed*

Faith: "say what huh?" *She smiles as she grabs Mya and tickles her.*

Mya: " nothing *dying from laughing* nothing!"

As they finishing up playing around Faith looks at the time and stands up to get ready

Faith: "Come on we gotta get ready for school." *She reaches her hand to Mya*

Mya: "okay!"

As the girls did they personal hygiene and gotten dress. The girls were walking the hall until someone walked out the both room.

Grandpa Charlie: "Oh morning ladies" *as he smiles at the girls*

Mya: "Morning!"

Grandpa Charlie: "Faith?"

Faith had her head down trying not to make any eye contact and softly said


*As she did she tighten her grip on Mya hand leaving Mya a lil confused and looking both Faith and Grandpa Charlie.*

When he gotten his response he let them passed and watched them both walked off to the kitchen as he returns back in the bathroom

As they walk in the kitchen

Grandma Ang: "Good morning girls" *as she gave the there food*

Both Girls: "Goodmorning Grandma Ang"

They grabbed they food and soon head out the door and as soon faith open the door her Bestfriend Iyanna was at the porch.

Mya: "lyanna!" *as she rushed to hug her*

Iyanna: "Hey my favorite!" *looks at Faith* "Hey Girl!"

Faith smiles and response back.

The girls leaves off the porch and starts walking to the Iyanna's car.

Iyanna: "let's get gone now."

They all got in there car and head their way to school.

As the made their first stop to Mya's school, Faith turned around to Mya

Faith: "you got your food!"

Mya: "check!"

Faith: "you got your homework?"

Mya: "check!"

Faith: "and how are you feeling today?"

Mya: "great!"

Faith smiles: "okay i see you later love ya"

Mya: "okay love ya too."

Mya gets out the care making her way to school and waved at the girl as she about to walk in the school. They watch her walked in and drove off.

Iyanna: "you are such a mother Lml."

Faith: "i am so not."

Iyanna: "uh yes you so are you talk to her as if she was your own."

Faith smiles looks the window: "i mean i got to, it's not like my mom is around to raise and take care around." * her smiles fades*

Iyanna: "yea i know sorry about that."

Faith: "oh no no worries it's fine really."

As things was getting a lil intense a song on the radio caught there attention "I get Around"- Tupac

Iyanna: " girl this is our song"

Faith: "I know turn it up."

Iyanna turns the song up louder and recite all the lyrics. they was so turnt that car next of them was partying with them, having the girl dying from laughter.

As the song goes off, they reach their University.

They parked the car, got out and began walking on the campus laughing and talking to each other.

Iyanna: "so girl what did you do this weekend?"

Faith: "i didn't do much just sat home drawing of course."

Iyanna: "I mean come on nothing special happened huh?" *playfully elbowing Faith*

Faith playfully waves her off: "no nothing special duhh."

Iyanna: "Anyways, Aren't you excited we're finally graduating this semester?"

Faith: "of course I am Who's isn't ?"

Someone is sneaking up behind faith and covered her eyes....

Hey guys i know the story is coming off a Lil boring right now. I'm still coming up with ideas and conflicts but i hope you guys enjoy it so far and bare with me please and thank you

One love💛✨

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