The Red Eyed Killers

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*An Easter Special*

I had just came home from my friends house on a late Sunday afternoon. The house was quiet, which was quite odd considering it never was.

With a family of eight it was always loud at home especially with little Lilly and Liam, and the occasional banter between both my younger and older siblings.

I figured my family had just went out to get more food for the Easter dinner since my parents had told me to come home early. Every year my mom wakes us up early just to prepare this family dinner, it was a tradition.

So I went up to my bedroom, knowing that everyone would come back late since shopping was always a hassle.

It's a mom thing if you get what I mean.

Grabbing a book off my bookshelf, I plopped onto my bed and waited for them to come home.

After two hours of reading, I figured something was wrong. If my family did leave to go get the food, they would have texted me by now or at least been back already.

I decided that I would take a look around the house. Maybe it was just a prank they were pulling on me. At times my family loved to pull pranks on on another, it was a way for us to laugh and have fun.

The basement, attic and bedrooms were all empty. Completely silent and no one in sight.

My last and final spot that I still haven't checked was the backyard. It was a very spacious area with a patio and a shed that they could possibly hide in.

Making my way to the backyard I slide the glass door open and stepped onto the porch of the backyard.

I looked up, and then my eyes went wide and I stood frozen, too shaken to move.

Before me were little white rabbits with red feral eyes, something that would be harmless. They weren't.

My family laid before them, ripped to shreds.
Blood had splattered all over the green grass and their eyes stared cold at me as they stayed stiff and lifeless.

These rabbits were munching on them as if they were carrots. You could hear the crunch of their bones grinding against their teeth and the chew of their meaty flesh. My families blood was dripping down their mouth and covered their white fur.

A cry like scream uttered from my mouth as I sank to the ground, tears streaming down my face.

I was going to vomit.

The rabbits turned to me at the sound of my cries and hunger was evident in their crimson eyes. I guess my family wasn't enough to satisfy their hunger.

I knew I was next so before they could kill me too, I used the last of my energy and jolted to the back door.

Once I was inside the house, I shut the door and locked it shut.

Some of the rabbits just stared as if they were waiting, others had started to bash their bodies into the glass, hoping to shatter it and get inside to eat some more.

But one thing was for sure,
This was definitely the worst Easter ever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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