Trapped From Within

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Solis was coming from the supermarket to get some groceries for her mother. Walking along the cold ridden streets, she spots a little shop with a black wooden door and Ruby's Antiques was inscribed in the clear glass front window.

Solis had never seen this shop before and she had walked the streets of Arosa many times, it was a small town after all with only a population of 1000 people coming and going as they pleased.

Curious, she decided to enter the shop and look around, Solis was always fascinated with antiques. She believed every antique had their own story and history beneath them and that is how she became a collector.

Her mother hated how she would spend all their money just to buy them because instead of buying essential necessities like groceries, she would waste her money on antiques, but Solis had not bought an antique in ages. She was just itching to get her hands on another one.

Solis entered the shop and a little bell had rang above her, the smell of incense wafted through her nose as she breathed in the new surroundings.

Looking around, her eyes widened with wonder. Their were so many shelves and aisles of antiques, much more than she had ever seen in her life. It was practically heaven to Solis, it felt like a dream that she could be in such a place that contained all the things that made her happy.

As Solis wandered around the room she stumbled upon a full length mirror. The mirror had an intricate design with gothic features and black like vines surrounding it.

Solis felt this magnetic pull towards the mirror making her drawn to it, like she was suppose to find it. This mirror would be the best thing she had ever found and her most prized collection.

"I see you have taken an interest in the mirror of Black Lake"

Solis jumped and spun around at the voice heard behind her. A woman with greying hair and eyes obsidian black stared at her with an emotionless face and arms folded in front of her.

"Mirror of Black Lake?"

The woman slightly smiles, "It takes after the name of a small town with a tragic incident, this mirror was found within the remains of what was left of it"

Solis' face scrunched up in wonder, " What happened to the town?" She questions.

The lady wanders around the room, walking in a slow fashion and touching every antique with a delicate touch as she started to explain,

"It was the year 1328. There was a small town called Black Lake and people had started to get deadly ill. Their skin would start to shrivel up and turn a ghastly black, and they would cough up charcoal blood. They didn't know the cause or where it came from but what someone did notice was that as more people started to get sick, the Lake would become black. After that the towns people started to talk and they say that the town was cursed and the cause was a witch who was practicing black magic. The town was burned down a year later, no one knew how it happened but after everyone died, this mirror was the only thing that survived the burning."

Solis was amazed. This mirror had such a dark history, it was astonishing how just a mirror, something that was not so extraordinary can become just that.

She bought the mirror for $300 and started to carry it along with the groceries she bought and went on her way home. It was definitely a struggle to carry it all by herself but luckily, the lady at the store gave her a transportation cart to aid her in her troubles.

The sun was setting in wonderous violets, marmalades and yellows, it was around the time of dusk. Solis was utterly late from her trip, she was suppose to be home much sooner.

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