Part 4

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When the doors opened that evening all hell broke loose. The diversity amongst the audience was intense, on one hand, screaming young girls with 'Black Veil Brides' t-shirts and on the other, groups of older teenagers with a much more calm attitude. There were also groups of people of all ages here to see the support acts. The first was a drummer and guitarist/singer duet and the second a metal band.

When the doors opened the audience immediately split. Groups of girls went running to the front of the stage, whereas the larger groups of older people came to the bar and ordered drinks. I poured pint after pint, taking the money and filling glasses with ice. I was also collecting glasses as Finn was helping with tickets on the door. The bar was busiest during the first act, I'm guessing because they were much less well-known. They still exerted a grave amount of talent, and for a two-man band, performed very well. As they performed their final songs the bar calmed down as people made their way closer to the stage for the second act. I took this opportunity to take a break.

I headed through the 'staff only' door and further through another door to our private courtyard. Only staff and performers could access this area. I pulled a packet of cigarettes from my pocket, placing one in my mouth. I sparked my lighter, the flame providing a small light source in the dull evening. From the corner of my eye, I noticed someone standing in the corner. As soon as the flame went out the courtyard was plunged into darkness again. Feeling the other person's presence I wandered over in that general direction. I saw the dim light coming from their lit cigarette, and as I was about to say something they flicked the cigarette to the floor and went through the side door to the dressing rooms. I swiftly followed, stubbing out my cigarette and sliding it into the ashtray. As I went to open the door, it opened for me and I got a glimpse of Ashley.

"Oh, hey River," he said, smiling coyly. "Hello" I greeted him back, smiling a genuine smile. "I was just getting some air" he explained as we made our way back into the courtyard, sitting on one of the benches. I sat next to him, deeply inhaling the cool evening air. "So, are you looking forward to tonight's performance" I questioned him. "Same old really" he replied, his face showing a tiresome and dull expression. "I can imagine how dull this must get, repeating the same show over and over," I said, looking at him for confirmation. However, his expression changed. It lit up. "Today wasn't the same though" he admitted "it's the first time we've had a stagehand help set up our equipment, especially one who can sing as wonderfully as you," he said, and I felt myself blush as he complimented me. I laughed nervously and thanked him, however, I didn't believe him.

We carried on talking and I offered to get him a drink. He politely refused, claiming that he prefers to perform sober but I somehow got an inkling that it was a white lie. I could hear the cheers as the next band walked on and excused myself to get back to the bar.

"I shall see you later," he said, winking at me as he walked back through towards the dressing rooms. I went back to the bar, taking some bottles and cans with me on the way and began restocking the fridge. The second act was much heavier, and a mosh pit even opened up in the centre of the floor. It made me laugh, seeing the crazy fans at the front of the stage getting battered and bruised by the crazy metalheads in the mosh pit. I enjoyed the second act and bobbed along to the beat as I washed glasses and continued serving people. As the act came to a close Finn returned to the bar, and took on clearing and cleaning glasses. I barked commands to the bar staff as we prepared for the rush at the end of the act.

We were pouring glasses and pints and making a concoction of mixers and cocktails, the busy nature of the job distracting me from the events on the stage. Finally, the stagehands had finished setting the stage for the main act, and I ran bottles of water for the band.

As I approached the wings, the now-familiar four men all stood chatting, excitement radiating from their faces. "Hey" CC greeted, grateful for the water I handed him. "Hello" I greeted the men back, "are you ready?" I asked. "As always" Jinxx replied, Jake, smirking. "Tonight should be a good one," remarked CC with the others smiling and nodding in unison. You could easily tell performing was their passion, and each man ignited with a child-like adoration for what they were about to do. "See you when it's over," Ashley said and with that, the men walked onto the dark stage.

One by one, the lights lit up over each man's head. With each light came a progressively louder collective scream from the audience. I made my way back round to the bar to observe from the back. It was always my prefered place to watch the live shows from as it was like a wall of sound hitting you and crashing around all your senses.

I watched as Ashley got lit up, girls screaming louder than ever. He stuck his tongue out and threw his hands in the air then the entire stage went black again. After a few seconds, the stage ignited with fire and all the lights came on, but this time there were five men on stage. The opening chord was strummed and the entire arena was blasted with the surreal sound of the guitar reverb.

The experience was incredible. But even more incredible was the man standing at the front centre of the stage.

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