Part 12

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After Ashley left I felt let down. I hate upsetting people and I was worried I got on the bad side of Andy. I retired to my room before Felix was home and took off Ashley's necklace. I stared at the bumblebee one I hung on a hanger also holding Andy's blazer. Even though it had been months his scent still lingered on it. I decided to wash it and return it to him.

I continued to text Andy every now and then and never received a reply. After a few weeks I saw an advertisement on my Facebook. Black Veil Brides we're playing a few towns over in a months time. I immediately booked tickets for myself and Finn after calling him to let him know. I booked a hotel room too, and worked as normal as a month passed.

It came to the evening before the show, and Felix was fanatically planning an outfit for me to wear. "Damn Fee, you really don't have to do this," I said exasperated. "Of course I do, you know you're outfit choices are terrible," he said and I punched him. I made sure to pack Andy's blazer and put on the necklace he gifted me. Finn organised to come over that evening too and when he arrived the three of us watched films and munched on treats until we went to bed. Felix and Finn were acting differently that night, sending each other not-so-secret glances. I thought nothing off it, and me and Finn went to bed. We shared a bed, as we have done many times, but nothing has ever happened between us. Strictly best friends.

The next day we said our goodbyes to Felix who was gutted he couldn't come as he was working. I drove us to the hotel and parked up. I checked in and Finn carried our bags up, however he was staying with nearby relatives. I got myself ready rather leisurely as Finn went and met up with his cousin. I took a long shower in the hotel, the shower was huge and walk-in with jets coming from the walls. I put on some music from my phone and was just getting dressed as Finn returned.

"Jesus, give a girl some privacy," I said quickly grabbing a towel to cover myself, just in my lingerie. "Okay, okay," he said walking into the bathroom, "but it's not my fault you're a hot chick." I sighed and finished getting ready, styling my hair and putting on some natural makeup.

When me and Finn arrived at the venue the queue stretched for miles. We waited patiently as the line began to move and once we were inside we headed straight for the bar. I had quite a few texts from Ashley and we talked quite a lot but I never told him I was coming to the gig. Myself and Finn had a few drinks and jammed out to the support acts. We hadn't heard of either of them but they were pretty good. The first a disco band/DJ set and the second an old school rock vibe. When Black Veil Brides came on we made our way to the front of the stage and cheered as they walked on.

This time was different. Me and Finn knew some of the songs they sang and we screamed out the words and jumped around like fools. Half way through the concert Andy went to the opposite side of the stage and bent down, offering his hand to the audience. He then ran along, touching hands with those who had them in the air. When he reached us he stopped as he held me hand, entwining our fingers and looking at me so intently as he sang the words. This moment made my heart flutter and as he let go his hand lingered near mine for another moment.

The rest of the gig went down a treat, we sang along and Andy threw me some occasional smiles. When the final song came on he made an announcement. "I'd like to dedicate this song to a very special girl," he said looking at me. It's called 'Our Destiny'.

The song was beautiful and his deep voice resonated wonderfully throughout the room. A tear even managed to slip down my face.

After the gig, me and Finn went to the bar and had some more drinks. After half an hour the venue was virtually empty and the bands started to leave backstage. I felt a hand cover my eyes and a voice whisper "guess who" in my ear. I half giggled and half screamed a so spun around and gave Andy a hug. "What are you doing here?" He questioned, clearly bewildered by our presence. "We came to check you guys out again," I said, "and, of course, to return your blazer!" "You didn't need to go to all this trouble," he said laughing. "Well, I couldn't get hold of you!" I replied dramatically. "Oh, shit yeah I smashed my phone and had to get a new one. When I asked Ash for your number he said he didn't have it anymore." "That lying son of a bitch, he texts me constantly!" I said. "Is that's right?" Andy said trailing off and sighing. "Well, your blazer is back at my hotel, I can go and grab it and drop it off to you," I suggested. "That's way too much trouble, I'll come with you and get it," he said. "Sounds good to me," we both laughed awkwardly. "Can I get you a drink?" I asked. "Just a beer please, meet me at my dressing room in a few minutes?" "Yeah sure," I replied and me and Finn bid our goodbyes as his ride was outside. I picked up Andy's drink and made my way backstage, bypassing the security.

As I knocked on the door CC answered. "Oh hey Riv, Andy said you were here, come on in!" He said, opening the door and inviting me in. "He'll be back soon, he's just outside with Ash," CC explained. I took a seat and the rest of the band said their hellos and talked amongst themselves.

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