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"Rick," Georgie whispered shakily, "can you talk to my mom? Get her to stay?"
"I tried, kid. Okay?" Rick sighed, putting his hand on Georgie's shoulder.
"Then... Can you... I want to stay. Can you ask her to let me stay?"
Rick sighed, closing his eyes slowly. "I... Georgie, I like you. But you don't know what you're asking. You don't want to leave your mom, not really."
"I do."
"No, you don't." Rick said gently.
Georgie's forehead creased, about to argue, but was cut off by Abraham giving Rick a map. "This is our route to DC. We'll stick to it as long as we're able. If not, well, you got our destination. Once Eugene gets to the big brains left up there, things are gonna bounce back. This group should be there for it. You should be there for it."
"They will be." Maggie nodded, reassuring herself.
"We will." Michonne promised.
Rick turned around, and looked at Michonne, nodding slowly. "We will."
Abraham turned around, and began to walk away. Let's go!" He shouted.
Georgie walked over to Carl, and their sad eyes matched, a perfect pair. "I'm not doing an emotional goodbye."
"I hate them." Carl laughed shakily.
"Me too."
"We're gonna see each other again. I know it. We'll be right behind you."
"Yeah. Hey. Tell Daryl I said thank you. For everything."
"I will." Carl nodded.
"Okay. I'll... I'll see you soon. Take care, asshole."
"You too, mardy brat." Carl smiled softly. Then they hugged, and Rick came over to her.
"Kid. We're gonna be right behind you," he promised, "with Daryl, okay?"
"Yeah." Georgie nodded, and Rick saw the tears in her eyes. He didn't see the firey teenager who swore at him and argued and was harsh and grumpy. He saw a little girl, hiding behind a mask, scared to be hurt.
"Georgie. It's gonna be okay." He whispered, putting a hand on her shoulder. Georgie nodded, a lone tear falling out of her eye, and Rick half hugged her, making her flinch, then he lightly kissed the top of her head. "I'll see you soon."
"Yeah. Adios, sucker." She joked, wiping away her tears, walking away. Everyone was in silence as Georgie got into the bus, the last person on, and as Abraham shut the door.
"Baby. Ángelita." Jess smiled softly, beckoning Georgie over to the seat next to her and Tegan. Georgie just glared at them, and sat as far away as possible, looking out of the window as they drove away, leaving their group and friends behind.
She didn't understand why she felt such a connection to the group; she'd not even known them that long. But she understood that she didn't want to leave.
For the first part of the journey, they were stopping every few minutes to clear the roads, Georgie helping, but ignoring everyone. When they got back in the bus, after a conversation with Maggie, Glenn slid into the seat next to Georgie.
"What's up?" He asked gently.
Georgie shrugged, staring out of the window, then she sighed. "I just didn't want to leave."
"Yeah, you and Carl were pretty close, yeah? And Daryl and Rick."
"I guess. They saved me."
Glenn nodded, then nudged her. "Hey. You'll see him again. And things can work out. I mean, me and Maggie didn't know each other before this. It does work."
"Oh my God, Glenn. Gross. I don't like him in that way. We're friends. Just friends. God."
"Alright." Glenn laughed with raised eyebrows.
Georgie smiled back at him, then saw Tegan watching them, almost jealously. "You remind her of our dad." Georgie explained gently, and Glenn nodded, putting a hand on her shoulder. Maggie came over and sat on the seat next to Glenn.
"Hey maybe Rosita can give you a trim while she's at it. Party's getting a little long in the back. Or is it your source of power?" Tara asked Eugene teasingly.
"I ain't slayin' a lion anytime soon. I wouldn't be placing any wagers on seein' me dispatch a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass."
"Oh, so you'll just settle on saving the world, right?"
"Yeah." The scientist nodded.
"What's up?" Tara asked him in concern, "Last night?"
"Nope. Yes, that and tomorrow. And I'm thinking about that preacher, what he did."
Maggie sighed, then turned her head to Glenn. "Maybe they're just behind us," she whispered, "maybe Daryl and Carol came back. Maybe they took the map, found some cars, and they're just down the road."
"They'll catch up. We're clearing the way for 'em."
"How long will it be?" Maggie asked Eugene, "After you get on that terminal and do what you have to do?"
"Depends on a number of factors, including density of the infected around target sites worldwide."
"Wait, target sites. Are you talking about missiles?" Glenn questioned.
"That's classified."
"I though we were over that." Glenn sighed.
"What if we all live?" Eugene challenged.
"The secrets will matter then?" Glenn scoffed, Georgie agreeing.
"They might. Anyway, the speed with which things normalise depend on a number of factors, including worldwide weather patterns, which were modelled without the assumption that cars, planes, boats, and trains wouldn't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere this long. Changed the game quite a bit when it comes to air transmissible pathogens."
Georgie sighed, then took in a deep breath. "I'm calling bullshit."
"What?" Abraham asked with raised eyebrows, as Jess scolded her over her language.
"I don't think you can stop this."
"Georgie." Jess sighed.
"Well I don't! I think this is how we die! The humans die! No one can cure this. I know no one can." Georgie snapped.
"Well, I can." Eugene replied firmly.
"Bullshit." Georgie muttered, and everyone went quiet.
Glenn patted the back of Georgie's hand, then sighed, shaking off Georgie's outburst. "Why the hair?"
"Because I like it. And no one is takin scissor or clipper to it anytime soon. Do you hear me, Miss Espinoza?"
"Yes," Rosita laughed, "loud and clear."
"Y'all can laugh all you want..." Eugene warned.
"No one was makin' fun." Maggie cut off light heartedly.
"The smartest man I ever met happened to love my hair. My old boss, T Brooks Ellis, the director of the Human Genome Project. He said my hair made me look like, and I quote, a fun guy. Which I am. I just ain't Samson." Eugene explained, but was then cut off by a large bang, the bus flipping on it's side, and Walker snarls surrounding them in every direction.

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