Welp, we're going back to the way things were. If you aren't ready to write, you might want to find the door.
We've declared war on all current and prospective Once Written members. That means it is time for you to get it together and brace yourself for battle. Pick a WIP, or start a new story. It doesn't matter to us. Announce it here, in a PM, or on the message board so we can get your info updated in the member book. Or apply if you aren't a current member.
And then be prepared to participate. This is no longer a drill. No longer optional. It is the focus of the group to get your story done. All the flower crowns and love and harmony come second now. So get a grip, or pack a bag.
Word Count Submissions are back and basically the same. The forms will be posted in the comments of every news update that is relevant to it. On the message board. In the bio. Or you could KISS (keep it simple, stupid) and submit through Wattpad. Put your word count on the chapter you're submitting and PM us, tag us, comment it with our name or #OnceWritten attached. But you better submit something somehow.
Three strikes and you're out. Get it?
You don't gotta win. You don't gotta rank. You just gotta write. Which is what you want to do, yeah? So do it.
And maybe, just maybe, you have what it takes to win this crap. Get a few prizes, some shiny new badges, a little prestige to show off around the water cooler. But more than that, you're finishing your story. And that's what this is about.
p.s. - If we don't hear from current members by Saturday night, you will be entered based off of previous info. If we don't get a submission from you by next Saturday, we're knocking on your door and hurting feelings. After that, we'll boot you. Because of love. You understand.
RandomThis book has been reserved for official club updates. This means any news, winner announcements, contest announcements, F.A.Q., or rule changes will be posted here.