Chapter Thirty Four

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Jungkook, 5 years old

Jungkook licked at his chocolate ice-cream happily as he swung his hand that is currently enveloped by his mother's bigger one back and forth while they headed to the dance studio together.

His mother was currently on her vacation after her short tour around the world with the rest of her crew as backup dancers for an artist that he doesn't exactly know. In fact, today is actually the first day that he gets to meet his mother after a long and restless two months of communicating through the phone. And its not like he got to call her often either, what with his mother's hectic schedule and all.

This morning he practically had to beg for her to bring him along because he couldn't bear not being with her any longer. It took a lot of persuasion on his part, but his mother finally gave up in the end.

Now if only Papa could tag along with us, Jungkook thought to himself. 

Like his successful father, Jungkook is also a smart boy. At only 5 years old, he can already distinguish between what's right and wrong. Aside from that, he also knows very well how to understand people's emotions perfectly just from their face alone, like that time when his parents were not talking during dinner, he knows well enough that they were angry.

About what, he still have no idea.

But doesn't matter, what's important now is that his mother is back with them and he couldn't wait for them to spend time together just like the old times.

"Now, Kookie sit here and take care of Mama's belongings okay?"

Jungkook quickly nodded at his mother's instruction and beamed at her, earning him a wide smile.

He had been looking forward to coming to the place ever since he found himself having the same interest as his mother, when he caught her watching a dance show in the living room once.

"I wanna be a dancer when I grow up.", he had told his parents after that, earning him a proud smile from his mother.

Beside them, his Papa had replied, "You could be anything you want, son."

And he could never be happier than that.

And now after frowning playfully at his mother when she ruffled his well styled hair, he then observed in silence as his mother made her way towards the center of the dance floor just in time another man comes to her, causing him to deepen his frown.

He then watched as the man twirled a piece of his mother's hair strand along his finger, the distance between them decreasing ever so slowly.

Who could that be? And why do I feel like taking Mama away from him?

But that wasn't the only thing that was causing him to have those thoughts, it was the way his mother smiled so wide just at the sight of the man that was making the gnawing inside his heart grow bigger.

His mother never smiled like that to his father.

His mother never smiled like that when she was with them, period.

It was as if he was looking at another different person instead of his beloved Mama who used to look so crestfallen everytime he catch her sitting in the living room while staring at their family picture alone.

"What's wrong Mama?", he had asked back then.

He then watched as her shoulders jerked in surprise before quickly placing the photo frame back onto the cabinet.

"Nothing, son. Nothing.", she had answered with assurance, but Jungkook could swear that she was lying because her eyes couldn't meet his and Papa once said that when people lie, they always avert their eyes away.

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