Chapter 9.

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Jennifer's POV

I woke up to my annoying alarm. All I could think of was I had to, go through another day of school. Yeah, I might be smart and get my work done but it doesn't mean it's easy.

I only have one friend and I'm still wondering how he's friends with me and why. He's probably just acting, so he could destroy me later on. I mean I'm not the best person. I have problems. Problems no one knows about. Well Jake might know now. I took him to that club.

He probably thinks I'm some kind of alcoholic. Well I'm not. I only drink when things get bad. Things get bad a lot, I just have other ways of dealing with it so I don't drink to much and actually become an alcoholic.

But anyways I don't see the harm and going out and partying ever once in a while. I mean people like me can let loose when they won't to. It's pretty easy for me to party because I have some very good connections around town, that I can get into any club I want.

I guess having well liked parents are a plus. Even if people don't see the true side of them. I hate when I start thinking in the morning just puts me in a bad mood. I should just get ready now.

After getting my self up, I was way to lazy to get a real nice looking outfit one. I just find some sweatpants and an old hoodie, not even bothering to put on shirt on. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and it looked okay on the first try.

Even though it's only the three day of school I now gave two shits about my outfit. But hey who cares. There's people who wear sweats on the first day. Aka some douchebag boys.

I don't think I'm actually ready to start my senior year but then again I can't wait till it's over and I can escape from this hell hole of a town. Go to collage and live with some good friends. Just get away. That's all I really need.

That's all anybody really needs. To get away, relax. Remove all the stress from their lives even if it's just for a second.

I've needed to get away, and my escape was that club. It's sad to think that. That I have to escape an that place has to be a club.

A place where sex craved people go to get a quick hookup. Where alcoholics go because no will judge them for how much their drinking. Where boys and girls go so they feel less important than they should.

To the people who actually go to have fun. Who actually have their life together but just want a little fun to blow off stress. That's all I want. To actually have my life somewhat together. So I don't have to feel like this anymore.

My alarm goes off again to tell me if I don't wake up now I'll be late, but for this morning it just tells me to stop thinking. That's another thing I wish I could do. Was to just stop thinking, but it's one of the hardest things to do.

But for right now I have to stop and go downstairs.

I grab my school bag and head downstairs waiting to get yelled at or whatever my mom feels like doing this time.

When I get down there no one if there. I am happy. Both of the parents cars are gone and so is my little sister. I'm guess mom took her.

This morning is ending up better than I thought. I don't have to deal with anybody till I get to the halls of hell and by that I mean school.

School means different things for everyone. To some people it's where there lives start, they have to make good grades for a good collage for a good job they probably won't enjoy for their life so they can take care of there family. Others it feels like a job you have to go during the day so people think your a good child doing what your told, but in reality your there to pass the day along so when it's over you grab your friends and smoke and drink till the next morning and do it all over again. To others it's a place to be free where you can express yourself in a drama, or class project, or art. Where your free to be you, but only to get judged. But what's different about them is, they don't care. They know who they are so that's what their gonna be. Then there's the people who go for the sports. If your good at sports maybe you will get a scholarship, become a professional and make good money. Then there's school for the people like me, it's an escape. Yes, school can be an escape. It's an escape from your family. Not all family's are good, some are just better at acting like it. Just like mine.

Once again I have to tell myself to stop thinking. I grab a banana and head to my car. I leave early to give myself time to stop. Once I was at the gas station I filled up and also got a Dr. Pepper and a doughnut. Doughnuts are life that's all I have to say. After I got done paying for everything I got into my car and went to school.

I got to the parking lot and parked where I always park. The one farthest from the school. Once I get into the doors, I head straight to my locker grab my book and head off to class.

I was early. So I just ate my doughnut and drank my Dr. Pepper. Once I was done the bell still hasn't rang. So I will just take a quick nap.

I don't know how long I was asleep but the bell was ringing. Class was over. I can't believe I slept through my class. Once I had got my things Jacob came up to me.

"If your scared you slept though class you did, but all we did was watch a stupid movie. So teach let you sleep. Looked like you needed it anyways" he said and with that he simply walked away without saying another word.

Most of the time I always get my work done and get good grades. I don't know how but I do. So a lot of teachers let me do whatever.

I don't usually cause problems, or disturb the class. I might sound like a teachers pet a little but I'm not. When I have something to say about anything if I'm not sleeping. I will say it and it usually ends up with a fight or 'debate' as the teachers like to call it.

I don't really remember my morning classes. It's lunch now and all I really want to is to get away from the noise. Instead of eating I went up into the library. No one was in here and that's how I like it.

I found a book I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. I picked a spot on the floor and started in. I was about to the tenth chapter when lunch was over. I was sad that I had to go back and be with loud, stupid people.

I made it to my next class even though I got weird looks when walking though the hallways.

That's the thing about highschool. Everybody judges everybody. Even if you say you don't judge you still do. Everyone does it, some people probably don't mean to but it happens we can't just not do it. It's human and some people just need to learn that and stop being so butt hurt about it. People act like being judged it almost the worst thing in the world, but I know differently and know it's from from the worst thing. People just need to learn it happens everyday and there's no way to stop it. So just embrace yourself and be you. That's all you can really do now a days.

I finally made it to my last class. It was just seminar today so I could sleep.

Once the bell rang to say we are free today I left. I didn't feel like wait around to wait for it clear. I just wanted to get home and sleep. Today has been one of those 'blah' days where you just feel empty and numb, but you can't stop.

Once I got home, everybody was home. So I just sneaked up into my room and wait till dinner. I just wanted to eat and go to sleep. Sleep was my only friend at the moment. That's all I need right now anyways.

So I don't know if this is a short chapter or not but I feel like it is. I did this on my phone so sorry of it wasn't good, or words were messed up and stuff. but other than that I hope you liked my story so far :)

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