chapter 16 - irene and wendy

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Thursday, June 14th - 10:50 am // Irene, Sooyoung

Irene stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. After speaking with Sooyoung and Seulgi in the living room earlier, she'd felt a lot better about her love life situation. She really had made progress, even though she hadn't left her room for a whole week, but she still felt her urge to kill diminishing. Of course, Irene would always have a hatred for men somewhere in her heart, she hoped that this was a sign that she could live a relatively normal life now.

In the past, Irene was consumed by her need to kill up to the point where she'd tackle two men at once and wouldn't even bother to clean up her messes. In the beginning, everything was almost like an instinct or that a higher power above told her that she had to kill. It was kind of like an itch that Irene couldn't scratch and it only kind of went away when she was happy and surrounded by the women that she loved. That's why she was more hopeful in trying to make things work out with Wendy one day. Irene honestly had no idea if Wendy still even liked her and, to be honest, she had no idea how she was going to patch things up. Instead of dealing with it today, Irene would save that conversation for another day when her need to kill was almost completely gone. It would be safer then.

Irene finished drying off her hair with one of the bathroom towels and made her way out into the living room. She figured she wasn't up for work today, and she doubted if her boss would even notice, or care, that she didn't show up. I mean, she worked at a library of all places and it was practically always empty because the Internet was kicking books out of business.

As she walked out, Sooyoung was on one of the couches on her phone, eagerly texting away.

"Who ya texting? A cute girl?~" Irene asked and peered her head towards Sooyoung's phone before she quickly snatched it away.

"Oh, no one special unnie. It's nothing you need to see anyways...yet."


"So, unnie, wouldn't it be fun if we all went out to the movies together later tonight! Like a cute roommates night out!"

"Well, I guess, yeah, it sounds fun." Irene answered, a bit confused at Sooyoung's hyperactivity and sudden change of subject. It almost seemed like Sooyoung knew something that Irene didn't.

"Great! Well it's all planned and you, me, Yerm, and Seul are going to the movies tonight!"

"Why did you say 'movies' like that.."

Sooyoung ignored her. "Bae, I really hope you appreciate everything we do for you."

"That was random.. but you know that I always do, Sooyoung."

Sooyoung smiled as her phone went off, signaling another incoming text.

"Oh, and unnie," Sooyoung spoke to Irene as she typed away like crazy on her phone. "I was thinking about making dinner early so it's ready once the movie is over."

"Okay.. I guess that makes sense."

"Great! So if you could help me out and buy a few ingredients for me that would be awesome, unnie!!!"

"I mean, it's not like I have anything better to do so, sure."

Sooyoung gave a thumbs up, still looking down at her phone, and handed Irene a scribbled list of things to buy.

"When did you make th- whatever I'm just gonna go. You're acting so strange today, Sooyoung."

"I don't know what you mean, unnie? And have fun!" She winked and Irene just chose to ignore her roommates behavior and help her with the shopping list.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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