Theory 1 - Hawkmoth is Pigeon Man

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The truth is hiding.
The facts are in front of our faces.
Hawkmoth is pigeon man.

Pigeon man - the most beloved character of the series, even more charming and cool than Cat Noir or Ladybug.
Hawkmoth - The most mysterious man in the Miraculous world, the dude who akumatizes angry people.

Now, you might be thinking, "Hawkmoth is Adrien's dad, stupid" But nay.
I'm here to prove to you that Hawkmoth is Pigeon Man, while also being Adrien's dad.

First things first, we have the most obvious link between Hawkmoth and Pigeon Man.

Pigeon = Bird
Hawk = Bird

And also, they are both referred to as a two-word kind of name, Hawk (1st word) moth (2nd word), and Pigeon (1st word) Man (2nd word). Plus both of their second words start with M.
What else is the same? Their face. Pigeon man has a long nose, and Hawkmoth has a long nose!

Here's a question, how does Hawkmoth always akumatize a person near Adrien and Marinette? Paris is a big city, so how does Hawkboy conveniently find a troubled person to akumatize? Well obviously Hawkmoth has some henchman behind the scenes. Who are those henchman?
The pigeons.

Hawkmoth stays at home all day like a grandma right? He needs fresh air somehow. So, using all his pent up rage from not having the Miraculous, he akumatizes himself into Pigeon Man.
Now you may be thinking:

"Well how did P Man get akumatized if he's all ready akumatized in episode 2?"
"If Hawkmoth akumatizes himself into P Man, shouldn't he have super powers?"
"You stupid"

Or all the above!

Well first, P Man does have super powers already before he gets akumatized again. The power to communicate to the birds. How does he not make them poo on his head?
And when Hawkmoth transforms from his akuma, his new suit is Pigeon Man's normal appearance. Hawkmoth wears P Man's skin like feathers on a pigeon.

Now, Hawkmoth appears in Episode 2 talking to Pigeon Man, so Hawkmoth can't be our boy P Man! No. You're wrong. Hawkmoth in the observatory thingy is just a pigeon illusion.

The fake Hawkmoth you see talking to P Man is just a bunch of pigeons.

Now what about the akuma butterfly thingy that the fake Hawkmoth sent to him? That's a pigeon too.

The first time Hawkmoth/Pigeon Man was akumatized was enough akuma power for him.

You thought Butterfly Boy was powerful? Not even close compared to Pigeon Man!

(But they are the same person, just the Pigeon Man version is better.)

What about Gabriel, the actual identity of Hawkmoth (and P Man)? Sometimes, when P Man is out and about, he will create an illusion of Gabriel using pigeons.
Most of the time Adrien talks to his father he doesn't even realize he's talking to a pigeon. (Extra points because Gabriel's voice sounds like he's squawking all the time.)

Ladybug and Cat Noir may be thinking that their real enemy is Hawkmoth, and he is, in a way, but not as powerful as P Man. He goes beyond the limits and will soon take over Paris with his flock of pigeons.

The - there are no plot holes in this theory at all - End.

(As you can tell, this theory is a joke, don't take it seriously.)
(If you actually took this theory seriously.... Thanks but sorry 😂😂😂 Also if you have a theory please suggest it in the comments)

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