My Dragon Princess

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Y/n's POV
Journal entry
Hello. My name is Y/n! You can say I'm not really a normal person who lives in Camelot. I, like one of my closest friends, have magic. I use it to serve my king, King Arthur. My close friend, Merlin, helps out most of the time or covers for me when I am sick or not around. Merlin is sweet. He cares for me and even allowed me to sleep in his room while I am in Camelot! Gaius, I guess, helped decide that decision. Oh... I hear someone walking towards Merlin and I chambers... Got to go.
Real life
Merlin's POV
I was walking towards my chambers, searching for my dearest friend. And my only female friend... Other than  Queen Gwen. But I mean.. Maid friend. Anyway, I heard her talking out loud, probably writing in her journal.
"Y/n? Can I come in?" I asked. As soon as I stopped talking, the wooden door flew open, reveling a tired looking Y/n.
"Hey, Dragon Lord. How are you? What brings you here on this fine afternoon?" She asked. I was a little concerned for her.
"Y/'s 11 PM. Also, we share this room. Are you feeling alright-" I stopped and saw she was asleep, leaning on the door frame. I smiled as a used my magic to bring her to our bed. (He's gonna have a queen size bed, mk) I crawled in after setting her down, and pulled the covers over the both of us. I smiled at her sleeping form.
"Goodnight, my Dragon princess." I whispered and kissed her on the forehead. I heard her sigh happily.
Y/n's POV
All I could think about in my sleep was Merlin whispering, "goodnight, my Dragon princess." And how he kissed my forehead. Yeah, he does this often, but it felt different. It felt like I could lay there with him speaking lovey dovey to me all night...❤
Sorry this is so short. I am really tired... Night, dragons! ❤ sorry if there are errors~

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