Knight of Camelot

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Y/n's pov

I walked out of Merlin and I's room and walked to King Arthur.

"Morning, my King. How did you sleep?" I asked while giving a little curtsy. He stretched and yawned.

"Well, thank you for asking. I slept well. I hope you did too?" I nodded.

Before we could talk more, we heard the warning bells chime.

"What is it this time?" Arthur rolled his eyes and looked outside. Goblins. Lovely, am I right?

"Goblins again?!" Arthur groaned and went to go to his throne. This is my moment to protect Arthur! 

I ran to the armory and grabbed a sword and shield. I ran outside and before I knew it, I was slaying goblins here and there! Arthur took a look and saw me. He smiled.


After the goblins either died or fled, Arthur called me to the throne room.

"Yes, Sire?" I asked, kneeling so I was on one knee, my head down in respect for my king.

"I saw you earlier fighting goblins." Arthur said with a small smile on his face.

"S-sorry, Sire. I was only protecting you." I said. He grinned and chuckled.

"I am making you a knight, Y/n." My head shot up and my eyes widened. Knight?! Of Camelot?! MY DREAM CAME TRUE!

Arthur touched his sword to my shoulders.

"I dub thee, Y/n L/n, knight of Camelot."

Those words made me grin.

"Thank you so much, Sire!" I tried not to squeal. Buut, after that, I went to Merlin and I's room and squealed. Merlin rushed over to me.

"Are you alright?!" He asked, hugging me. I hugged tightly.

"I'M SOOO HAPPYYYYYYY" I shouted. I think Arthur heard me.

"W-Ach-Wh...Y?!" I realized my love couldn't breathe, so I let go and explained.

"You, my love, are looking at one of the knights of Camelot!" My grin became contagious, for Merlin was also grinning. I gave me a peck on the lips.

"I'm proud of you! Truly!" he said. I thanked him.

Later that evening, Arthur prepared a small party for me, seeing that I was the first FEMALE to join the knights. 

"Congratulations, Y/n." Mordred (This is where he is good. And adorable as h e c k. what am I saying, he is always adorable!<3 <3) said and gave a small smile.

"Thank you, Mordred. I am happy to be joining you and the others, finally."

Merlin came over to me and grabbed my wrist. He smiled and I followed wherever he was taking me.

He took me to a dark area where I don't even think Arthur knows about. He showed me some cute love magic and we cuddled. My head on his chest, holding hands. He kissed the top of my head and my hands.

"I love you, no matter what." He whispered. I smiled.

"And I you. No matter what." I said. 

No matter what~

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