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Im still busy so i cant update other stories rn so for the moment, plz manage with this


3days later-

It was the day of AvNeil leaving for Greece for avni's meeting
Neil booked a seat nearby to avni's in the same flight
They both had got the aisle seat so they exchanged glances at intervals

Soon the flight landed& neil checked into the same hotel as avni in a room near to them though always maintaining a safe distance so that vidyut doesnt suspect him or avni

(Vidyut hasnt met neil as yet- he just knows that AvNeil are gonna get married)


Time flew& initial days of the trip went well- avni used to return from the conference, keep pillows as if shes sleeping &then sneak into neil's room who used to keep food& some juice/liquids ready bcz he knew she wouldnt have eaten/drank anything since the meeting started

All this had given AvNeil the chance to spend time together- so what if only at night
Neil's love always gave her the strength to stand& fight against vidyut
Neil was proud of the fact that avni was standing against vidyut with full determination


Next day-

It was a sunday so AvNeil got time to spend together by site seeing &trying special cuisines after which they went to a beach
They were sitting& the cool sand was touching their exposed skin
Avni's head was resting on neil's shoulder& neil wrapped his arm around her back



A-thank you

N-for what?

A-for coming with me on this trip
Also for this beautiful day& most importantly- thank you for coming into my life

Neil smiled& pecked her forehead lovingly &after a while, they left for the hotel so that vidyut doesnt suspect avni

They reached hotel& avni told vidyut that she already had her dinner outside
Soon she went to neil's room they had their dinner by feeding eachother& then dozed off to sleep


Next day-

It was the same for the duo- he handled his cases& appointments via video calls while she went for her meetings



When avni returned, she looked pretty dull

N-kya hua jaan?

Avni hugged him tightly

A(pouting)-i will have to stay here for another week which means another week of facing that bloody womanizer
I dont know how will i manage

I feel disgusted everytime he sees me with his eyes full of lust- it boils my blood but i need to maintain my temper bcz of business partners& colleagues around us& he takes undue advantage of the same

N-dont worry
You are my lady don& i know that you will be able to deal with him
Now lets have dinner- i know  mice must be dancing in your stomach

Neil tickled her& she laughed
They had dinner& soon went to sleep- thankfully vidyut or his men didnt check avni's room at night &hence she was able to sleep in neil's room


Few days later-

The meeting was almost over& people had started leaving- only few members from higher authorities were in the conference room

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