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It had been an year to the lady's death whose case was handled by neil

Nothing had changed in the past 1yr in AvNeil's life except for the fact that their love for eachother was still the same& the trust in their relationship was as solid as a rock

By now, aman& kareena were now happily married &were going great in their job life as well

It was a very special day or rather a very special evening for the khannas, mehtas& most importantly for neil
They were going to an event where avni was nominated amongst the list of the best designer of the year

They all arrived &got seated
Avni was nervous& her hands were shivering- it was after a long time that she was gonna face so many people
She was damn nervous

Neil noticed this &held her hand in his warm hands, ensuring her that it will go smoothly
One look at her husband& their cute daughter dia& avni forgets all her worries& nervousness

Yes, they had adopted the baby girl a week after the lady's death &both the families were very happy after her arrival
AvNeil named their daughter dia bcz she fulfilled the absence of a child in their lives
(In case of confusion, refer previous chap)

Avni smiled in response

Soon the function started &people started receiving awards for different achievements

Now it was turn for best designer

so the next award is for the best designer of the year
And the award goes to Mrs Avni Neil Khanna

Neil's eyes widen in happiness while avni was busy digesting what she just heard
She hugged neil& then went on stage

The host gave her the microphone

A-honestly speaking i dont know what to say
I resumed work after7 longs yrs but i never thought that i will get rewarded for my efforts so soon
The credit for my success goes to many people but most importantly, my husband

Neil smiled at her statement while avni continued

A- neil has always supported me- through thick& thin
Hes my biggest strength& i feel blessed to have him as my husband
My in laws too, pushed me& motivated me towards my work rather than being a housewife
They always told me to follow my dreams
Thank you everyone

Everyone in the audience clapped while neil's eyes had immense pride& love for his wifey
She soon came down the stage& sat beside neil
Dia came back to avni's lap
Neil pulled avni closer to him by her waist& pecked dia's forehead who gave him a wide smile

Dia was damn cute& was the apple of everyone's eye
She wasnt even an year old but recognised everyone in the family very well-
Be it the family or their friends, she was loved by everyone

Soon the function ended& after wishing avni for her success, everyone to their respective homes


Once home, khannas thought of keeping another get together on the weekend bcz it was dia's first birthday
Everyone agreed& then went to sleep


AvNeil room-

Avni had changed dia's clothes& put her to sleep in her cradle
Neil pecked dia's forehead while avni was busy admiring their father- daughter bond
Her eyes turned glassy

N-kya hua avni?

Avni hugged neil tightly while neil started caressing her hair

N-what happened sweetheart?

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