Chapter 1.

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July 7th, 2017.

Dear Diary,

Hi... My name is Dahlia Elise Kohn. You were given to me by my boyfriend on Valentine's Day; amongst other beautiful gifts. I bet you're wondering why I'm JUST now deciding to introduce myself to you instead of months ago, but it's because I've been lazy and "busy". I would just say busy but we would both know that's a lie. It's because I honestly didn't feel the need to. I only like to write when I desperately need to vent. And right now... I desperately need to.

Bryceton Jones. That is my boyfriend. My heart. My world. I love him with every fiber within me. Every time I'm around him, nothing else in the world existed. Nothing else mattered. Whenever he touches me, butterflies run through my entire body. And when he kisses me?? Girl.. I could literally feel my spirit leave my entire body. I know I'm in love. Diary, have you ever been in love? Of course you haven't. You're just a little journal. But I'm telling you. No other feeling beats it!

I'll never forget when I first met Bryce. It was freshman year at Atlanta Technical College. We had the same English 1101 class. I got there 20 minutes early because it was the first day of college for me, and honestly, I was pretty nervous; but not as nervous as when Bryce fine ass walked in. He looked so, fucking, good. I honestly couldn't help but to stare at him! He was 6'3", had waves, was brown-skin with pretty white teeth. That man was fine. He looked a little older than me though. At this point, we were the only ones in the classroom. He grabbed a seat behind me, and my eyes followed him the whole time while he walked past me. The cologne he had on smelled so good! That was a plus because I love love LOVE when a man smells good. As more people filled into the class, the professor came in and wanted us closer to the front. We were the only ones sitting towards the back, and I guess that annoyed the teacher. He said, "You two are acting like I bite! Come up closer. There are two seats in the middle." I looked back at the fine boy in the black, laughed and shrugged my shoulders, and moved up to where the professor wanted us. He smirked at me and came and sat beside me. I got another whiff of that wonderful smelling cologne that he had on. It was a MUST that I figured out what it was. I might get it for my dad for Christmas. That was it! That was my way to start a conversation with him! When the professor started going over the syllabus, everyone pretty much tuned him out, especially me. I can read that at home. I'm not slow. I looked at Bryce and asked him "Hey, you smell good. What kind of cologne is that?" He looked at me. Smiled. And told me it was Polo Black. I told him "well it smells amazing" and chuckled. Til this day, I don't know why the hell I laughed. I guess I was just nervous! He told me thank you and asked me what my name was, and I told him Dahlia. He then said "That's a pretty name. But Imma call you Lia. I give everyone I know nicknames. I'm Bryceton by the way." In my head I was going ballistic. This fine ass man is talking to ME . Dahlia. I mean I know I'm not ugly but still. He talking to ME. But I played it cool. I told him "Well, Bryceton. Since you volunteered to give me a nickname, I guess I'll be calling you Bryce. Where are you from?" He smiled at me. Again. I need him to keep doing that. I love his smile. "I'm from Birmingham, but I moved to Atlanta when I was 15. What about you?" "I'm from—", Just then, the professor interrupted us. "Hey! You two can chat later, pay attention because there will be a quiz over this." A quiz over a syllabus?? That is so pointless. I obeyed him and got quiet though. Bryce didn't. He handed me his phone and said "I know you have a snapchat, add yourself. Here" Honey, he did NOT have to tell me twice. But I can't look eager. So I said "how do you 'know' that I have a snapchat?? Who are you? My father?" He said "It's 2014. We're in college. Everyone has a snapchat. And you look like the type to love to take pictures anyway." "If you wanna call me cute Bryce just say so." "Maybe I'll slide up on one of your pics and say just that. But you'd have to add me first. Now hurry up before we get kicked out for 'chatting'" . We both laughed. I gave him my snapchat and handed him the phone back. He did exactly what he said. His corny ass slid up on a picture that I posted last night and sent me heart eye emojis. Of course I had to save that in the chat. I'm definitely choosing, and it looks as if he choosing me too. This feels so new and fun. I'm liking it.

After class, he asked me what I was doing later, and I told him I wasn't doing anything. He asked me to go out with him, and I told him "I'll think about it. I'll snap you." Knowing good and damn well that I wanted to go. I just wasn't about to give in to him that easily. When I got back to my apartment, I couldn't stop smiling and jumping around like a little ass kid. I went straight for the closet, and picked out the sexiest dress that I could find. At around 7 or so, he snapped me and said "Pick you up at 10?" And I snapped him my apartment complex address. I didn't give him the exact apartment number because I had to play it safe. After he picked me up, he took me out to eat at Pappadeaux seafood restaurant. It was sooo good, and I had so much fun. I'll never forget that night. Bryce was such a gentleman. He's been in my life since then. We're about to be seniors now. He's majoring in accounting and I major in psychology.

When he picked me up, He looked so good. You could definitely tell that he has some style. Before I reached the car, he met me, gave me a hug, and opened the passenger door for me. I can already tell that this man was raised well. I have a good feeling about this date. When he got around to his side of the car and got in, he looked at me and smiled. I asked him "What?? Do I have something on my face or something?"
"No. You're just really beautiful. That dress looks nice by the way."

"Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself. Where are we going?"

"We're going to Pappadeaux. You do like seafood right?"

"Yes. I LOVE seafood. Oh! Give me your phone." When he handed it to me, I put my number in it. I saved my name as Lia with the heart eyes cause that's what he calls me.

"Lia with a heart eye emoji. Really?" He laughed

"Yep. Now let's go. I'm hungry now since you've said we're eating seafood"

"Yes ma'am." He laughed again and we went to the restaurant. I had an amazing time. I learned so much about him and vice versa. He is in fact older than me. I was 18 at the time and he was 20. We were both freshman but he started school two years late because he took two years off to take care of his mom. She had cancer and he wanted to be with her for her last days. She passed away three months ago. That hurt my heart to hear that. For now, he lives with his dad but is working to get his own apartment soon. He didn't want to move out the house before his mom passed. I told him a little about me as well. I told him about how my parents didn't get married until I was four. I moved out as soon as I graduated, but I kind of didn't have a choice. I wanted to go to ATC and they lived all the way in Savannah. It was more convenient for me to get an apartment of course, and I live by myself. I told him about what made me want to move to Atlanta, and he told me they moved here because of his mom. I really did feel bad for him. So I changed the subject to lighten his spirits.

After we ate, we went to get on the ferris wheel that's downtown. It's so pretty to be in at night. When we were in the air, we talked and laughed the whole time. It was really a fresh breath of air to be around him. When he took me home, he kissed me on my forehead, and told me he would text me in the morning. I told him "no, text me when you get home so that I know you made it there safely," and he smiled and agreed. He made sure he told me when he got home and I went to bed shortly after. This was really the best date I've ever been on. I knew then that I seriously liked him.

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