Chapter 4

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July 15th, 2017.

Dear Diary,

My bad girl. I left you on a huge cliff hanger huh? I had to stop to fix Bryce and I something quick to eat, so you know exactly what I made; shrimp alfredo and garlic bread! You know seafood is our absolute favorite, and alfredo is soooo easy to make!

But back to the story. I know I left you hanging long enough and you're all like "Dahlia Kohn! What the hell happened next?!?" But calm your horses baby. Im about to tell you!

So when my parents walked in, someone is behind them. That little someone is Xena. Yep. You heard right. My best friend. What the hell she was doing with my parents?! I didn't have the slightest clue. Well not initially, until I picked up on my parents' body language. This bitch done told it! I glared at her, and all she did was mouth "I'M SORRY SIS!". Oh, you finna be sorry for real.

And you know my mother was the first one to say some shit. She was all like "So Dahlia, where is he?" And I immediately got nervous. I responded with, "...huh?? Who??" Trying to stall and shit, but she was NOT having it. She was responding with a quickness.

"Dahlia Elise Kohn, do not play with me right now. If you can huh you can most certainly hear. Now where is this little boy you've been seeing? I'm not going to ask you again."

By the tone of her voice, I KNEW she knew the answer to that question, and I also knew Xena was the one that told them. She obviously can't hold water for shit, but I was seriously wondering what the hell made her tell my parents! Of all people!

".. So now you're deaf?? Dahlia! One! Two!... Girl if you don't—"

"Okay! He's back there." I held my head down. I already knew that there was about to be a war that went down.

"He's back WHERE?! I know you aint got this boy living up in the apartment that 'I' got you." And that came from my DAD, Diary!! MY DAD!!! I have NEVERR seen him so mad!! Then he starts to charge to my room where Bryce was. Before I could stop him, my mom snatched me back by the arm.

"Do you not see how stupid you're being?"

"Stupid?! How is living my life and making my OWN decisions being stupid!! You and Dad did the same thing and more at my age but its a problem when I do it?"

"See. There you go. Always trying to justify your actions by looking at others'. Do as I say and not as I do Dahlia."

"I'm not sure if you've noticed yet, ma, but I'm an adult now. I have the right to make my own decisions!"

She laughed. "Your own decisions?! Tuh! When you wanted to go this small school instead of staying in Savannah like I told you to, that was being lenient. When you chose an unpromising major, against everyone's advice, I was being lenient. When you chose to get serious with some boy, I didn't like it, but there's obviously no stopping you from that. But this?!! Moving in with a boy you just met??! No ma'am. I'm not having it. You have all the time in the world to do this Dahlia!! Why are you rushing your life like this?!"

"Mom, you've NEVER supported me so I wouldn't be shocked if you've never understood. He treats me like a Queen, ma. He's never disrespected nor mistreated me in any way. Plus, it's allowing me and him BOTH to save money. Why don't you ever support me?!—"

"Honey I DO support you. But this is just down right—"

"No! You don't. You never have! Every time I've had a dream or idea, if it didn't fit into the little life you wanted me to have then you shut it down before I can get it out my mouth good. I find it real funny that you want me to follow you and dad's footsteps but when I do this it's 'NO! Not that footstep Dahlia!' Like, just because we live together, that doesn't mean I'm going to have a baby! Why do y'all keep jinxing me?!"

And we went back and forth. And then I told her that Bryce was staying. Apparently my dad was in the back trying to make Bryce pack his shit because as soon as my mom slapped me, yes, she fucking slapped me, my dad dropped the duffel bag that was in his hand, and separated us two. I wanted them gone already.

"You know what? Since you so GROWN don't call us for help or money anymore miss 'imma do what I wanna do!" My dad looked at her as if she was going too far, but didn't protest. Such a suck up for her. I hate it. Stand up to her ass sometimes, damn! Always a pushover. Somebody NEED to tell her she's not always right, hell.

"That's fine! I don't want to talk to you after you done put your hands on me anyway! You can go!"

"YOU BETTER BE LUCKY YOUR DAD IS HERE!! YOU LUCKY LITTLE GIRL!!" and that's the last I've heard from my mom since. But Xena ass? Oh I was just getting started on her.

This bitch had some fucking nerve.

"Xena what the fuck man?!"

"Look I—"

"Look nothing! Get the fuck out my house! You see what the fuck you just did?!! Get the fuck out!"

She left. Which was definitely in her best interest because I was ready to beat her ass. Not only do I have to get a job now, I have to QUICK. Tuition will be due soon. Financial aid is noooottt going to cover it all. Well it may, but even if it does, my parents was giving me allowance! It helped a lot. That's how I was able to get the apartment in the first place. Now that option is out the window. What the fuck am I going to do now?!! And Why the fuck did this girl run her damn mouth?!

After I kicked her out, she had the nerve, the audacity, to send me a link to a news article of my case from when I was 16. Under it, she put "I just didn't want to see you like this again. I'm sorry."

Bitch... what??! I told her to stop texting me and I blocked her. I unblocked her when I cooled off, but still man. Why would you even—- ugh!! And Bryce deadass gone have the nerve to try to leave! I don't know what the fuck my dad told him, but he ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT!! Like, in a matter of 15 minutes, the ONLY people in my life had actually walked out my front door, possibly for good. Bryce said he would come back, but I wasn't too hopeful. I was so upset that I wanted to fucking scream. And I did. I did a whole lot of screaming and crying. How did my life get this messy? AGAIN??

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