Stranded And Scared

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Hey guys, just a little update: I'm just editing the story for flow and consistency, nothing major is changing, my writing style and level has gone up since I had first published this fanfic and I just thought it would be a good idea to go through it and fix some of the "loose ends" that have been bothering me. 

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! :) 

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials.



They've been in the car for about 5 hours, and Peter is starting to get very bored.

He tries not to let it show though, alternating between playing games on his phone and staring out the fogged window at the bare and dead trees around them. Tony sits in the drivers seat next to him, nodding along to the radio and tapping his fingers against the steering wheel when a particular part of the song hits.

The man glances over once the radio goes quiet for a minute, eyeing his son with an amused smirk. The clouds above them casts his face in a milky shadow, his teeth glowing in the semi-darkness.

"Having fun there, kiddo?" He asks, adjusting his grip on the wheel as the tires crunch over some frozen dirt.

Peter's head snaps over toward Tony from where he was watching the clouds roll in outside, his doe eyes widening as he nods. "Yeah, yeah Dad, lotsof fun, yep."

The genius chuckles, reaching over to ruffle his kid's hair. Peter half-heartedly pushes his hand away, pouting. Finally, he turns away, leaning back more fully against the seat and resting his chin against his palm, letting out a small sigh.

"Don't worry, bud." Tony says once his laughter dies off. "We just have to cross through the mountains and then we will be at the Stark Convention, I promise."

"Why did we just take the plane? That would have been so much faster."

Tony rolls his eyes, flicking on his windshield wipers as small droplets of rain start to hit the car. "What's the fun in that? I though you liked hanging out with me, Pete."

Peter just scoffs, reaching up and draws squiggles against the fog of the window with his finger, the condensation making his skin wet. "Why would you ever think that, Dad? I mean, it's not like I spent a week packing because I wanted to hang out with you or anything."

Tony laughs again. "Why did you come then, kiddo? It wasn't for these amazing views right?"

Peter looks out the window, squinting to see the flash of brown and yellow of dead grass and trees as they zoom by. "Nope, it was for the promise of free food."

Both chuckle at that, the atmosphere lighthearted and warm even as the chill of outside pounds against the car, the rain mixing with the cold and turning into the thin sleet. After giving Tony one last smile, the teen turns back toward the window, letting the lull of the car's movements and the steady thump of his father's heartbeat, barely detectable above the pounding of the storm outside, sway him to relaxation.

Without meaning too, Peter lets his eyes slip shut, falling asleep just as the first snowflakes of the year get trapped against the chilled metal surrounding them.


The sudden jolt of the car stopping is what wakes the boy a few hours later.

He sits up, rubbing one fist over his dry eyes, watching as Tony starts to reach toward him.

"Hey bud, I'm just going to get us some snacks real quick. Do you want to stay out here or come inside with me?"

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