How Near And How Dear Is The End

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heCK im so sorry for the long wait guys oof real life caught up with me and I got so busy and yeah. BUT ITS HERE NOW :D I hope you enjoy and thank you for sticking with this story (despite the long wait)! I hope this lives up to the expectations and I love you guys <3

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials.




The blast from Tony's gauntlet illuminates the snow around him in a pale blue.

He wheezes a little as he reaches down, picking up the small, still smoking bits of tree that has rained down from above him. He clutches the wood to his chest, stumbling as he stands. His breath fogs in the chilled air. The genius shivers, before squaring his shoulders and making his way to the next tree a few steps away, his feet sinking into the fresh snow.

He doesn't know how long he's been out there.

Tony suspects that it hasn't been more than an hour at most, but he can't be sure. It's still night, the stars barely visible above the towering trees, but with no moon, Tony can't even tell north from south. The only reason he knows, vaguely, the way back to the cabin is the looping holes made by his shoes as he had stumbled along the outer most edge of the woods.

The path glows in the silver of the moon, patches of light and dark illuminating the frosted floor like an enchanted checkered board. Tony's face feels frozen, his nose and ears stinging as he blinks away fresh snowflakes from his lashes. He can't stop now, not when he only has to gather one more arm full of wood.

Then he can get back to the cabin. Back to the relative safety and the warmth offered in the creaking, molding walls.

Back to Peter.

The thought of his son, his curls damp with ice, the soft strands crackling as Tony had wrapped his arms around him; the way the boy was shivering, trembling, his baby face red and his doe eyes wide with tears, makes the billionaire's chest ache with a fierce swirl of protectiveness and fear. Letting out a deep sigh, the cold air stinging his already beaten down lungs, Tony steadies himself and raises his trembling arm.

His palm glows, the heat causing the air around him to steam, and the hero squints against the newly added light. He is just about to blast the beam, tightening his arm in preparation for the force, when a sudden scream echos throughout the trees.

Tony's head snaps toward the sound, his entire body jumping as he takes a staggered step back. The air gets forced from his lungs in a whoosh of mist and it takes him a second to regain his balance. Placing his gauntlet free hand against the tree next to him, the genius scans the area around him, straining to see anything beyond the trees and never ending snow.

A sudden, sickening thought, one that nearly causes Tony to loose what little food he had managed to eat, worms its way into his brain and the billionaire is suddenly moving backwards as fast as he possibly can, pushing off the tree with enough force to send him stumbling forward.

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