My Condiction

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Warning you, there WILL be violence and manipulating, if you are uncomfortable with it, please leave now. You have been warned...

Also, this is an older story, so read to your own cringe will, I just thought I should upload it here as well.

I have a condition. I can't cure it, I can't stop it. I can't help it at all.

It's hideable. Which I've done ever since I was a young girl, I've made 'friends' and had 'fun' doing games.

It's strange.

I can't feel emotions.

My Father was the same as me, or so he told me, he said to me, "When I'm older, I will find someone that will open up emotions for me. Just like Mom did for her."

The both of them worked for the government, and Dad seemed to do some 'scary' and 'terrible' things, while Mom worked with big people to organize plans and properly get jobs done that were needed.

Mom was scared for me.

She tried everything to make me feel emotion. The closest thing we've seen was this black cat. She immediately adopted it into the family and paid all the necessary things to feed it.

It was my job to take care of it, and... 'love' it.

I tried my best, though most of it was fake. It seemed to understand my incurable treatment and tried to love me.

It felt like another mom. Only this time, it was always home and didn't talk back to me. Only gave me this strange look, happy or sad, and cuddled with me. Unless it needed food.

Green eyes... black fur... I felt drawn to it.

I learned to 'love' it. It was the first thing I've loved.

And then, someone came into our house. Chat Noir, tried to protect me, crying out for me to wake up, hissed at the intruders and attacked them.

I woke up and ran down to see a person kill my small sight of emotion.

This person taught me a new emotion. Rage.

I ran to the kitchen, tears streaming down my face. I grabbed multiple knives and ran back to the single person. I stabbed her over and over and over again.

After that day, I never felt any more emotion again. My Dad would always tell me there was someone out there. Most likely with green eyes like my old kitty, that would open my heart and allow me to feel emotion.

After this day, I craved for it. I was young, but my Father's words never left my mind wherever I went. I was nice. I tried to find that one person for me. But they never came.

Until, my days at college.

The year Paris would never be the same.

The days of the Miraculous.

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