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"You can do it Chat Noir!"

"You think she'll do it? Do you think she likes me?"

"Who doesn't!?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Chat, I'm sure things will work out purrfectly."

He laughed at your pun, "I've taught you well my underling!"

You chuckled, blush forming again. You've learned to control it better from the first time he came over. Due to your mother being akumatized and you helping out the superheroes and your mother. You've learned after that day how terrible Hawkmoth was, twisting your loved one to go against you...

"I do have the best teacher. Well, what are you doing here!" You need to stay forever, "You need to get going!" This once will I allow you to properly leave. "You've got this! I'm sure you'll sweep her off of her feet!"

He puffed out his chest in confidence, even though his eyes betrayed him showing how flustered and nervous he was. And went off. You followed his trail as he disappeared. You need to stay up longer tonight for Chat. He's definitely needs to go along with this. Sadly you couldn't follow him to see if it went okay. So you turned to whatever luck you have left.


You heard an angel cry, you twisted your head away from your studies for that test in Science. You felt your heart break at the sight. Sure you helped it turn into this, but it was still terrible to see.

He was full blown crying, his hands holding his face.

You rushed over to the superhero and helped him inside and sitting on your bed. "Oh no... Chat..." you cried.

He simply hugged your form while he kept crying. You blushed from the contact, but still felt tears streaming down your face, real tears. Just like when your Chat Noir saved your life all those years back.

"I'm so sorry Chat! I'm so sorry!" Yes, yes I am. I'm sorry I have to put you through this pain for our happy ever after.

He hiccuped and let go of you, taking hold of your hands, "It's okay (Y/n)... you-you didn't know and wanted to do what you thought was best for me. I'm so happy I have you in my life."

You still couldn't stop the crying, and simply hugged him. "I'm still sorry. I wish I could have- I wish..."

"You are always looking out for me, and from when I do my day patrols I see you are exactly the same way with others. Even your enemies."

Oh only for you my Chat.

"I'm... I'm happy to have you as a friend."

This hurt. But you smiled through it, it was still Chat after all. "I hope you know that I will always be there for you Chat Noir."

He nodded and hugged back, taking in warmth of the situation and away from the suffering of a loved one rejecting him.


You watched as Adrien came in, mournful. Oh how you waited to jump in tell him you know his identity and try to comfort him. But alas, you have the plan and a promise to fulfill. "Woah! Hey Adrien! What's with the sour face?"

"Hm? (Y/n)! Oh, it's nothing."

"Well, it doesn't look like nothing. How can I help you out?"

"ADRIKIIIIIIIIIIINS!" You groaned at the nickname as you were pushed away and Chloe clung onto him. "I'm so happy I ran into you!"

You were annoyed, oh how you wanted to punch in her face. It was bad then, but it's worse now. She's in so called 'love' with YOUR KITTEN. Of course she doesn't know that, but you do. And that's enough to be enraged.

Feelings (Chatnoir x Yandere Reader)Where stories live. Discover now