I don't hate you

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Let me know what you think about this story, it did stem from a dream I had. Enjoy your summers wherever you are this world.

The next few days went by painfully slow, I still kept to myself unless I was with my group of friends or at home. Speaking of friends I was invited to go out with them, except it was to a club. "Come on Megan we all have our fake I.d's it will be so much fun". I hesitated after the last time and hadn't been out since. "I don't know guys". "Please Megan, nothing will happen I promise". Annie whined. "Okay but the first sign of trouble I'm going home". I smiled. "Okay so Friday night, we will say we are sleeping round Annie's because her parents won't be in" Dani joined. They had this all figured out. "But how are we going to get to the club?". I queried. "Luke is designated driver this time". I looked over at Luke who threw his hands up and bowed, he was hilarious.

The bell rang which signaled we needed to go to our next class. I had my Ap English class which had been quite challenging these past few months that I had been here. Wow did I say past few months, time has really been flying by. The day soon ended and I went out into the parking lot and stood under the heat of the sun soaking it up. Everyone had left and I felt a prescience behind me. "BOO" shouted Dani. I half jumped even though I knew someone was behind me already. "Hey Dani" I rolled my eyes. "Hey you, what are you doing out here alone". She questioned. "waiting for Mark to pick me up, he has to get Chrissy and Jessica first". They both went to the same school and I went to the same as Elodie, whilst Mark went to a private school, I had found out he was the only one that wanted to go and luckily their parents were not pushy. "Why can't Elodie take you, she's stood there staring at you anyways". My cheeks turned red at this knowledge. "She's stood what?". Dani turned a nodded in Elodie's direction to see her staring at me lent against her car. My phone started buzzing in my pocket it was Mark. "Hey Megan, I'm really sorry but if Elodie is still at school can you get a lift with her, I'm running really late". He sincerely apologized. "Sure no worries, if she's not here I'll ring you back if not I'll see you at home thanks". Great just my luck. I hung up the phone and gave Dani a hug goodbye.

I stormed over to Elodie which I could see alarmed her as she didn't know what I wanted. I didn't even talk to her I just got into her car and put the seatbelt on. I heard the door go, but I refused to look at her. "Why are you in my car?" She was puzzled. "Because you're taking me home". I was short with her and she knew it, she just sighed and started the car up then headed home. "Well what if I have places to be", she was starting an argument with me, just great. "Then drop me off and go to your bedroom because that's the only place you go". We definitely have a love-hate relationship depending on our moods. I looked over at her, a look crossed her face which I could not decipher, but she almost looked hurt. "Should have got your girlfriend to drop you home" she muttered loud enough for me to hear. Two can play that game. "Yeah, maybe I should have". Elodie inhaled hearing that, her chest rapidly going up and down she sped up the car to get us home, but at no point did I ever feel in danger whilst she was driving like this. I slammed the door shut and ran into the house crying. I lay in bed all evening refusing to come out of my room and telling everyone to go away. Clarissa being who she was knocked and just walked in, she definitely had her way with me and knew the right things to say. I looked and spoke to her like she was my own mother I thought that much of her. "Hey you, what's got you so upset? Come here" She lay on my bed before pulling me In for a hug and rubbing my back as I cried. "It doesn't matter anymore". I choked out. "Well, Elodie is just as upset as you are". I looked up to her eyes the moment she mentioned her name, how did she know that's what this was about? "You two are something else, what happened?" She spoke before I even needed to, it was like she understood everything. "We just argued that's all, it's stupid really". Clarissa sympathized with me, she was thinking deeply before she spoke to me next. "Okay, can I be honest with you". I nodded my head, she took hold of my hand whilst speaking to me next. "Elodie and you have been through a lot and she doesn't understand the emotions she's feeling like you do, but you have brought out a side in my daughter that I could only have dreamed to see. I hope you take the time with each other because the light I see in both of your eyes when you are around each other is something else". I nodded my head following along even though she was cryptically talking to me. "She just doesn't like me Clarissa and I don't know why". She just shook her head to say no. "It's not that, I can promise you now, I can even bet if you go in her room now and see her, she will talk to you and it will be fine". I lowered my head and fiddled with my hands. "I don't know about that" I stuttered. "How about this, if you go in there and talk to her, I'll give you a free pass on Friday to whichever club you are planning to go to?". My mouth gaped open as if to say how the hell did you know. "It's okay Annie rang the phone thinking she was talking to you and so told me what was going on, it was quite amusing, so is that a deal?". I thought about it for a second and then smiled and nodded my head vigorously.

I headed over to Elodie's room scared out of my mind that she would turn me away immediately. Knock knock. I heard nothing the other side so I just opened the door slowly and peeked my head around. Elodie lay on her back on the bed facing the ceiling, she didn't even look at me. Okay, act confident you can do this. I walked over to the bed and waited to see if she would allow me to sit, but she still made no movements, I just sat down anyways. "Elodie". I reached out to her, my face still bright red. She turned as soon as she heard me, looking me in the eyes and scanning my face. She had this look again that I did not understand but it went quickly, she was still ice cold. "I'm sorry we argued". I spoke up, she didn't stop staring at me but also said nothing. "Please forgive me". Her room was quite dark at this point, but she could still see the tears falling down my face because she immediately sat up and wiped them away. "Hey what are you crying about? Please don't cry". Elodie now had a sad look in her eyes at the tears rolling down my face especially if she had been the one to cause them. "I'm sorry" that's all I could get out because I was trying to hold back from breaking down in front of her. I feel weak, everything is slowly catching up on me, it taunts me.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong". She carried on stroking my face, she was rather close to me now, I was enjoying this more than I'd like to admit. "You hate me, please tell me what I have done?" I begged her, pleading with her face. She hasn't once taken her eyes off of me yet, we searched each other's eyes like we never had before. "I don't hate you, why would you think that". Elodie's eyes welled up at the thought and also because she was watching me cry. She tried to hold herself back but a single tear came down her face. I was shocked because she's been such a cold person, I never thought I would see her cry. I lifted my hand up to wipe the single tear, taking a moment to caress her face longer than I probably should have. "Please don't avoid me anymore Elodie". She had her eyes closed as I was stroking her face but as soon as I said that her eyes snapped to me. Elodie pulled me down to lay with her. This situation had turned to something else but I can't say I'm complaining, the only problem is, that she thinks I'm dating Dani now, how do I tell her I'm not? Elodie had her arm wrapped protectively around me, I feel like I am in heaven, this feeling is euphoric. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier I really am". She looked over at me like she was having an inner battle. We were just facing each other with my arm around her waist and hers around my shoulder and back. I leaned a bit closer to her and she noticed.

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