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A/N: Hello everyone! I am new to fan fiction and writing as a whole so please be easy on me. (: Feel free to give me constructive criticism and please Comment, Vote, and Fan. The first few chapters may be rather slow due to the setting of the background but things should pick up.

I am not perfect, nobody is, so I will make mistakes throughout my writing. I will try hard to fix them before I post but if you do spot some, I apologize. I'm human. There may also be some things that are farfetched and slightly ridiculous. But that is why this is called a Fan Fiction. Please no hate. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Sorry for the rant. (: I was never planning on posting this but I hope you all enjoy it!


I see him. Kneeling in the cool grass of a meadow, dressed in a fine suit. His curly brown hair falls in to his face as he brushes it away with his soft hand. A smile crosses his lips and I feel myself smiling as well. I run to him and the wet grass dampens my bare feet. The sun warms my face as I approach him. He stands and opens his arms, inviting me in to them. My arms are just about to cradle his neck when I hear a loud noise.

“Good morning everyone and welcome to London!” the airplane’s speakers boom, “I hope you all enjoyed your flight. Thank you for flying British Airways!”

I jump up and my eyes fly open. I take in my surroundings and let out a yawn. I quickly shake the dream I had out of my head, scorning myself.

I wait my turn until I am able to get into the isle, watching the people leave the plane. I finally shuffle out of my seat and I grab my carry on before heading off.

I step off the plane and a cool breeze instantly hits my face. I stop to take a deep, refreshing breath before heading down the corridor to the gate. I step out of the way and adjust my carry-on on to my shoulder, searching for the baggage claim signs. I quickly find them and walk off again in the direction the signs are leading me.

Right when I exit security I hear my best friend squeal. Before I can respond she runs up to me and throws her arms around me, causing my carry-on to drop to the floor. I smile and hug her back. I saw her less than a month ago but I still missed her.

I met Stephanie the first day of college and we have been best friends ever since. We both went to Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and were in the same dorm. We never saw each other much though, I was studying dance as she was studying music. So after freshman year we moved into an apartment together and the rest is history.

It had taken Stephanie three years to get into Tisch’s rigorous music program so she was much older than the others. I had waited to apply until after my little sister graduated high school so we were the same age. This was probably why we had become such close friends so quickly. We were two 21 year olds surrounded by 18 year olds.

Steph is still older than me by a few months so she is already 25 while I am still 24. We both just graduated and I am spending the rest of the summer with her in London.

She grew up in Britain but her parents died when she was little and she was moved to the states. She doesn’t talk about her childhood much so I know it must have been difficult. She did tell me that when she turned 18 she found out her parents left her a huge fortune and the first thing she did was buy the biggest mansion she could find on River Thames.

This is where we are headed and I would be lying if I said I’m not excited.

Steph backs away from our hug and I reach down for my bag. Right before I can grab it she takes it out of my reach, “I got it.” She says with a smile. I laugh as she leads me off to baggage claim.

We talk all about our summers so far, hers here in London and mine with my family in Australia. Before I know it we are pulling up to a huge house decorated with beautiful flowers and plants.

“Here we are.” Steph says simply and I stop my jaw from dropping. I get out of the car slowly and head around to get my luggage.

“Don’t worry about that stuff.” She calls to me, “I’ll send Jeffery to get it.” Jeffery. Her own personal butler. This is the life.

She takes me inside and gives me a quick tour, basically just dragging me through the rooms as she says what they are. She shows me my room and I escape her grip to get a better look. It is on the third floor, just down the hall from hers.

I walk in and a huge smile crosses my face. The sweet smell of lavender comes over me and I realize it is more of a suite than a room. It has a walk-in closet, a huge bathroom, and an entire separate living area past closed doors. I hear Steph’s protests in the background but ignore them until she grabs my arm and drags me out of the room.

Once it is out of my sight I am able to focus back on her words.

“Come on Hannah! If we don’t leave right away Prufrock is going to be horrid.” She informs me.

Prufrock is a coffee shop she has always raved about and I assume it is probably pretty popular. Coffee sounds good to me given it is the morning and I was on a plane all night so I allow her to drag me back to the car.

It isn’t a very long ride until we reach the shop but I am shocked at how popular it really is. There had to be at least one hundred people surrounding the shop.

“That’s odd.” Steph says and it confirms my thoughts that this isn’t normal. We drive to the front and notice that there is a pathway to the entrance and the inside looks rather vacant.

“Hmmm,” Steph says thinking, “Why don’t you go inside and try to get in line while I find somewhere to park.”

“Okay.” I respond. Why not? I have to admit I am kind of curious at what all these people are doing.

I walk the pathway to the door and the huge crowd doesn’t even glance at me as I walk in the shop. I look around to find only a few people here. There are only about three people in line, an old couple in the corner, and… no.

Harry Styles? I see him sitting there in the middle of the room with a beanie and glasses on. I drop and shake my head, trying to deny it but the screaming crowd affirms it. When I look back up his head turns to look at me. He lowers his sunglasses and I see his face studying mine.

My heart starts beating and my palms get sweaty. Not because I am a fan of him, but because we used to be in love.


A/N: That's the first chapter! Please let me know what you think! Comment/Vote/Fan (: Thanks

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