It is there.

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A/N: Hello Wattpadians(: I would like to sincerely apologize for my leave of absence. I started school and I am taking 4 AP classes. On top of that I am in Singing in the Rain at school so I basically have no life. I know it is not a good excuse for not updating for so long but when I’m not working, I’m sleeping. I’ll try to update two chapters today to make it up to you all.

Thanks for sticking with me(:



I watch her look down at her wrist and become overwhelmed with her beauty. The wind moves her hair across her face and she wipes it away with a swift motion of her hand. She turns to me and speaks, “We should go. The boys will be wondering what happened to us.”

I don’t want to leave but I let out a groan and stand up. I know we have been out here for a long time. I offer her my hand and she stands up with me.

As she starts to walk away I feel empty and receive the urge to hold her tight in my arms. I squeeze her hand and pull her in to me. She giggles at this movement and her smile gives me chills.

I hear her ask me “What?” in between laughs but I don’t answer. I curve my index finger under her chin and tilt her face up to mine. I study every feature and can only find one word to describe her. She is amazing.

She has been through so much, yet she is so strong, so full of life. Her beauty radiates through every smile. I try to think of something, anything that could be wrong with her but my mind turns up blank.

I lean closer to her warm lips and whisper, “You’re amazing.” Her smile fades and I can see the sincerity in her eyes. Without even thinking about it, our lips naturally meet.

It is perfect. I have kissed plenty of girls before but it never felt like this. Her lips are soft and have the lingering taste of cherries. The warmth she omits from her body sends chills down my spine and I feel myself pulling her lips up deeper into mine.

I can tell it isn’t her first time either. She knows what she is doing. I slowly move my hands to her cheeks, cupping her sweet face in my grasp. Her arms wrap around my waist and she is holding on tight as well.

The passion within the kiss is apparent through both of us and she slowly pulls away, leaving me wanting more.  I wait for a moment and then open my eyes to find her looking at me.

A smile grows on her face causing me to smile myself. I touch my forehead to hers and she scrunches up her nose in the cutest way possible. She then rolls her eyes with a giggle and pulls away from me to walk to the elevator. This time, I allow her to drag me without resisting.


We finally make our way back to the hotel room after spending most of the day on the roof. We walk out of the elevator and down the hall hand and hand, and I can’t seem to contain the smile on my face.

I am completely incredulous at everything that just happened. This incredible guy  told me I was amazing and then kissed me. I begin to doubt that he would like me but my mind goes blank when I turn to look into his eyes.

When we walk in, all of the boys are sitting on the couch watching something. They all turn to face us and seem a little shocked at how I am hanging on Harry’s arm. I am still smiling like an idiot and I blush slightly.

“Wow,” I hear Niall speak up in his cute accent, “Only took a day.”

“I think that’s a new record.” Zayn says and the boys start to giggle.

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