Chapter 1 - Karkat's POV

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My name is Karkat Vantas, and I just woke up late for my first day of school.

I jumped out of bed, speedily pulling black skinnies over my pale skin, as well as my black sweatshirt with a faded gray cancer sign on it. I rushed to the bathroom connected to my room, brushing my messy white hair as well as I could, as well as my teeth. I grabbed my backpack.

I'm so glad I pre-packed this thing

I pulled on my red and black nikes, running out the door. I was within walking distance of the school, so if I ran fast enough I may not be late. I was sprinting, and I made it to the school within ten minutes. I sped to my locker, shoving my things that I didn't need into it and dashing towards the art classroom. I made it just before the bell rang, and the teacher gave me a disapproving look as I sat in one of the few remaining seats.

Luckily they had left the back corner by the window alone, I loved sitting by the window. I could just stare out and think. Not a good habit to get into, but it was one of the luxuries I could enjoy every once in a while. I looked up as the teacher adressed the class.

"Hello. My name is Ms. Maryam, but you may all call me Porrim." The class nodded, acknowledging her statement.

"Now, I have a seating chart for you all. I'm sorry for those who wish to sit by their friends, but I believe that meeting new people is a good life-skill." The class groaned, and she gave us all a stern look. The class became silent again.

When it was all said and done, I didn't have to move. Terezi, an annoying but good friend of mine, sat in front of me. Apparently someone named Sollux Captor was moving here. He would be in classes by tomorrow, and the seat beside me was going to be his.

I wonder why anyone would want to move to this shit-hole of a place...

As soon as the bell rang, I was the first to escape the classroom. This was going to be a long day...

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