Operation 1675

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I met with the people in the group chat in a vacant parking lot. "Alright, for those of you who don't remember what Operation 1657 is, it is where we go around the school asking if some students have gotten into fights lately." I tell them. "Yeah, I think we should start with our group." Davis says. "T.K has been acting strangely lately around Ken, so I'm gonna go to T.K." Hiroshi tells us. "And, start!"

The next Morning

Bum, bum bum bum, bum bum da da da. "Daniel, wait up." I turn around to see Tai. "Hey Tai, you good?" I ask him. "Remember when I said I had to talk to you?" He asks me. "Yeah." I say. "Well, if you and Kari move in together soon, see has  night mares easily." Good to know. "Ok, and I'm gonna ask her to move in with me soon." I tell him. "Alright, better not be your mom's house." He tells m. "No, I got a house on a hill I'm moving into." I tell him. "Alright, see you later." He says as he leaves.

"Hey T.K, have you gotten in any fights lately?" I hear Hiroshi ask him. "Well, the last fight I was in when Ken was the emperor." He tells him. "Ok, thanks." He says and walks to his chair.

"Alright class, settle down, get your books out and read to chapter 134." She tells us. I get my book out and turn to chapter 122. "Hey guys, did you hear about the new dessert restaurant?" Some kid asked his friends. "Yeah, I hear they have the best ice cream in town." The friend says.

After school

"Hey Daniel, where are you going?" Hiroshi asks me. "Ice cream." I say as I leave. "Makes sense." He tells me. "I'll tell the others." He tells me.

Hiroshi's weakness is Wendy's. Mine? Ice cream. I know it's stupid and it sounds like I'm a child, but remember, I'm married, and you probably aren't. "Daniel , wait up!" I turn around to see all 14 of them running down the hall. "ICE CREAM!" We all yell as we leave. I kinda feel like singing Dancing Queen by ABBA.

Mmm, ice cream. "So, Daniel's weakness is ice cream, Hiroshi's is Wendy's, what is everyone else's?" Yolei asks us. "Mine, beer." Kari says. And the rest of them just said alcohol.

"Alrighty, don't put any alcohol in your ice cream." I tell them. "VODKA!" I hear Davis scream. "Also, Davis, that anime you wanted me to watch wasn't that bad." I told him. "What anime was it?" T.K asked Davis. "I don't remember the name, but I know High School was in it." Davis tells him. "I remember the name of it, it's called High School D—" I get cut off. "Please don't.." He begs of me. "Fine."

After we were done with the ice cream everybody left me and Kari. "So, Kari, I wondering if you would move in?" I ask her. "Yeah, we are getting married. Where is the address?" She asks me. "5412 Warwick St." I tell her. "Isn't that a mansion?" She asks me. "Well, it's a very large house, so basically a kinda small mansion." I explain. "Ok, I'll see you at school." I tell her.

I go to my kinda small mansion and go to bed.

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