Chapter 31

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Veronica sat outside on the porch waiting for her sister . She barely slept last night as she spent the whole night crying over Sebastian. He didn't even try to call her last night and she thought he must have been very busy with his date . The sight of a truck coming up the driveway made her stood up , she  noticed it was Sara driving and she walked outside and waited for her to park and she noticed that her sister was not smiling like usual when she arrived home. She looked lost in her thoughts.
" Penny to your thoughts!", Veronica shouted.
Sara looked at her sister and forced a smile on her face. She walked up to her and they hugged each other.
" I need to talk to you Sara", Veronica whispered to her sister ,
" Same here", Sara whispered back.
They walked to her clinic and sat down , the two sisters looked at each other not saying anything.
" Why have you been crying?! Only yesterday you were on cloud nine!", Sara asked her sister.
" I'm so hurt Sara! Sebastian is a such liar .. last night I saw him with another woman!", Veronica went on telling her sister about what happened last night .
" Maybe you should have let him explain Vero. I'm not saying he is not a liar, maybe listening to his explanation could have cleared your doubts", Sara said to her sister.
" Sara I seriously don't want to hear anything from him. Thought that since he was not like those rich boys I've dated then he will be different but I guess not! Men are all the same regardless their class or the job they do!", Veronica said .
" Now what about you ... why the long face!?", Veronica asked her .
" Let me guess Fabian!? What did he do to you?", Veronica asked her sister.
" He ....well .. I... I'm in love with him Veronica! I can't explain how it happened but like an idiot I fell for him!", Sara said looking at her sister who was surprised by her answer.
" You in love with Fabian King!?What else happened?! Have you guys ...slept together?", Veronica asked her sister.
" What do you expect Vero! We do sleep in the same bed.. I don't regret it but ... we can't be together! The way our relationship began , it was not like we met by chance and fell in love was just a business deal and I think it should remain like that until .. the contract is over three years !", Sara said getting up and put her white coat over her clothes.
Veronica was about to speak when one of the workers came knocking on the door ,
" Excuse me Miss Veronica, there is someone here asking for you", the man said.
" For me?! Who could it be? I'll go check and then we will finish talking", Veronica said and walked  out closing the door behind her.
Veronica stopped when she noticed it was Sebastian waiting for her.
She was about to turn and walked back when he called her name.
" Veronica we need to talk", Sebastian said in a pleading tone.
"Talk about what?! And why are you still dressed like that? Are you taking Fabian's place now?", Veronica asked putting her hands on her hips.
" Come with me so we can talk privately, please!", Sebastian said still pleading with her.
Veronica looked back towards the clinic and then she walked towards Sebastian.
" You have 15mins", Veronica said as he opened the door to his truck for her to get in.
Sebastian smiled he was happy that Veronica accepted to talk with him.
They drove out in the fields and parked close to the river ,
" Maybe I should start from the beginning, Hi my name is Sebastian Vellar", Sebastian said offering his hand to Veronica for a handshake.
Veronica crossed her arms and looked at him frowning, " Vellar!?", she said , " Like Vellar , Mr. Vellar the owner of the cotton farm !?", Veronica asked .
" Yes he is my grandpa and I am his only grandchild", Sebastian replied as he put his hand down .
" And why did you tell me that you worked as a foreman on Fabian's ranch? Oh let me guess , you wanted to see if a rich girl could love a foreman.. joke was on me right .., so you thought lying to me was the way to my heart! Listen Sebastian... Mr. Vellar... the one thing I hate is a liar regardless of the reason why you had to lie, so please take me back home . We have nothing more to discuss here", Veronica said looking away from Sebastian.
" Veronica please don't be like that ..that's the only thing I lied to you about , about who I am  but what I feel for you is real! Please listen to me...", Sebastian said touching her lightly on her shoulder.
Veronica looked at him, " but I fell for a foreman not this person sitting next to me!", she said looking at him, she could see it in his eyes that he was really sorry but she couldn't just kiss and make up.
" Sebastian take me back home. Anyways I'm leaving next week so , lets us forget about us , about what happened this summer and we both move on with our lives", Veronica said as she looked away from him .
" I will come to the city and look for you Veronica , when you are ready to forgive me , I will never be able to forget you and now ...."he said as he slowly turned her face towards his , they looked at each other and Sebastian brought his face closer and their lips were almost touching, he kissed her softly. Veronica closed her eyes as she allowed him to kiss her and then she opened her eyes and looked at him and turned her face away.
" Take me home now", she said not looking back at him.
They drove in silence and when he stopped at the ranch she looked at him and said " Goodbye Sebastian", she didn't allow him to say anything as she got out and ran towards the house.
At the same time Sara came out from the stable and saw Veronica running towards the house.
She looked at the truck and couldn't make out who was the driver . He waved at her and then he drove away.
" Could this have been Sebastian?!", Sara asked herself.
She washed her hands and walked inside the house and went straight to Veronica's bedroom.
She found her laying down on her bed staring at the ceiling.
" Was that Sebastian?", Sara asked sitting down on her bed.
" Yes, and you will not believe what I found out!", Veronica said sitting up hugging one of her pillows.
" That he is not a foreman.., he lied about that .. in reality he is the grandson of Mr. Vellar!", Veronica said looking at her sister.
" Mr. Vellar's grandson! But then why did he lie to you?!", Sara asked.
" I don't know , I didn't let him explain.. I came up with my own theory and he remained quiet which meant it was exactly why he did it!", Veronica said angrily getting off the bed and walked to the windows.
" I don't know what to tell you Vero, I'm the worst person now to advice you about your life", Sara said to her sister .
" I'm glad I'm leaving next week and all of this will be just a memory ", Veronica said but the tone of her voice didn't convince Sara that her sister's affair with Sebastian will end there and then.
Sara's phone rang and she answered it , the familiar sound of Fabian's voice surprised her when he said her name on the other side of the line. Could he be calling me because he wants  to see me? Sara said to herself smiling.
" Yes speaking", She answered and she didn't want to sound too happy.
" We need to speak to you", Fabian answered.
" We?!", Sara asked surprisingly .
" My lawyer and I , we need to speak to you about finding a way to get this marriage annulled",Fabian said coldly and Sara almost dropped her phone ,she took in a deep breath before she could answered as her voice was breaking up .
" Yes I'll be there in 10 minutes ", she answered in a hurry and hung up the phone .
Veronica stared at her and Sara sat down on her sister's bed again.
She put her face in her hands as she started to cry,
" Sara , what happened? Who was that on the phone?!", Veronica asked anxiously.
Sara took in deep breaths and tried to pull herself together,
" It was Fabian.. he wants us to get a divorce", Sara said in a sad tone and her sister sat down next to her on the bed and the two sisters hugged each other.

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