Chapter 40

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As soon as she was home Sara looked for her father. She wanted to know if the storm had not damaged any of their properties.
She saw some men nailing some  wood planks on the stable closer to her office. She hoped that nothing bad had  happened as she rushed through the house to her father's office.
" Dad!", Sara shouted .
She heard him replied from his bedroom, Sara rushed upstairs and saw her father lying in bed with a bandage around one of his leg.
" Dad what happened?!", she asked worriedly , kneeling down on the floor next to his bed.
" Nothing Sara, just a little bruise and as you know your mother, she likes to exaggerate . A small scratch she had to bandaged my whole leg!", Joe said and Sara had to laugh .
She was relieved that it was not something serious, as her dad explained he got a small wound from last night when some of the wood planks came out from one of  the stables .
" Saw the men fixing it. Doesn't look like the weather will get any better today", Sara said looking at the dark clouds that surrounded her home .
" Good morning daughter. There's breakfast downstairs if you haven't eaten yet", Sara's mother said walking in the room with a tray of food for her father.
" You see she doesn't even allow me to go downstairs for breakfast.Aimee, stop giving orders. I'm sure Fabian made sure she ate before coming here. How are things there, after the storm?", her father asked and Sara had to laugh about her father's remark regarding her mother.
" Everything's good. Fabian works hard to make sure his father's property is running at its best", Sara replied as she took a piece of apple from her father's plate and her mother scolded her.
"Ma , dad ... Fabian and I , we are getting married again. This time properly, no business deal", Sara said and her parents looked at each other and then her father told her to sit next to him on the bed.
" Are you sure Sara?", her father asked holding her hands in his.
" We are sure dad. We want to be together and our baby as well", Sara said squeezing his hands.
"Well , you are both adults and this time I have nothing to do with that one !", her father said and Aimee looked at her husband and shook her head she wasn't happy with his last statement.
" It was a joke Aimee!", Joe said and Aimee playfully hit him and told him his joke was not funny .
" Dad, let me have a look at that wound later ok. I'll go check on my clinic hopefully everything is in order", Sara said kissing both her  parents on the cheeks before she walked towards the bedroom door .

" Sara , have you heard from my other daughter?!", Joe asked eating his breakfast.
Sara remembered her conversation with Fabian regarding Veronica yesterday and she smiled.
"Well she is with her boyfriend, in Barcelona!", Sara said walking faster  towards the door.
" Hey there little lady don't try to run away! Who is your sister's boyfriend?!", her father asked.
Sara walked out of the door, then turned and only blew a kiss at them ,smiling as she walked out.  She thought it was for Veronica to tell them herself since she didn't even mentioned anything to her!

Fabian walked around the stables, they had gathered as much food as they could because it didn't look like the weather was going to change.
"Sir , everything is in order . The men had carried some extra sandbags and put around the stables and the parks", Santiago said.
" Great , good job Santiago!", Fabian said patting him on the back as he looked around the ranch.
" I asked Pedro to buy some groceries for all of the workers , just in case the storm goes on for a few days!", Fabian said.
"All done . Thank you, Sir", Santiago replied .
"No need to thank me. I'll be in my office in case anyone needs me", Fabian said and waved goodbye to his foreman before running to his office.
His phone rang as he walked in his office.
He smiled when he saw it was Sara calling .
" My Love, I'm just checking if you are ok, how are things on your side ?", Sara said at other the end of the line.
" Everything's ok here. Just putting up some precautionary measures in case of flooding. And on your side?", Fabian asked.
"  The same. The men are fixing some minor damages that's it and like you said have to put up some precautionary measures. Just checked the weather forecast, the storm will hit us tonight", Sara said and Fabian thanked her for the information.
"Not to change the subject..Huh ... by the way..I told my parents about the wedding", Sara said.
" Really ?!and what did they say?", Fabian asked anxiously , he wanted to know her father's reaction.
" Well if you thinking about my dad, he said that we are both adults and that he has nothing to do with this wedding" , Sara said repeating her dad's words and Fabian laughed.
He was glad that he could be with Sara and soon ,as he was dreading her father's reaction to them getting married again.
" Are you coming tonight? I don't have anyone to take care of me during the storm ", Fabian said with such a sweet and sexy tone  that made Sara smiled as her heart beat faster and she could hear birds singing.
" How can I say no , when you asked in that tone!", Sara said wishing that he was next to her.
"Then , I'll see you later", Fabian said hanging up the phone with a smile on his face.
His phone rang again he thought it was Sara calling back ,
" Yes my love", he said smiling but when that person spoke on the other side of the phone his smile faded away.
" It's You", Fabian said annoyingly.
" How nice you called me my love!", Farrah said on the phone.
"I though it was Sara. Farrah listen, I made it clear at the beginning of our relationship. I never loved you and never will. So please let's just go our separate ways and respect each other!", Fabian said trying to control his anger.
" But Fabian ... I need to see you we need to talk. I think I might be... pregnant!", Farrah said to Fabian and he nearly dropped his phone .
He couldn't believe what Farrah had said to him ,that she could be expecting his child!
"Fabian are you there?!", Farrah asked since she couldn't hear a reply from him.
" I'm ... here.. Farrah are you sure about what you are saying!?", Fabian asked getting upset as he ran a hand nervously through his hair.
" That's why I told you we need to talk. I did a test this morning and it was positive Fabian!", Farrah answered.
"Ok .. ok.. come to my office at the ranch. Now!", Fabian said as he hung up the phone.
" Farrah is pregnant! Now what do I do?! How do I tell Sara!!?", Fabian said as he walked to his office lost in his thoughts.

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